It seems that I keep reading posts from men that women only use them. However, they rarely go into detail a to why they feel that way. When a woman says she’s been/feels used, she’ll usually explain it and it often comes down to things like emotional neglect or an over-emphasis on sex. I’m a guy myself and have never left a relationship, date or otherwise feeling used, so I’m kinda curious if I’m just missing something here.

  1. Feeling used for me at least is usually for my money, and my time. When a woman gets that and then disappears until the next time that’s the feeling of being used

  2. When you do everything for her happiness and she just refuses to do anything for you.

  3. Becoming mundane , isn’t seeing the truthful mole hole and hill one lived thru ?

  4. You’ll also notice that in almost every one of those posts there is little to no self-reflection or thought of what role they might play in “being used”.

    So often people who feel used fail to vet the person that they invest in emotionally or financially. They just do what they think the person will like or what they think will make the person like them more and when it goes wrong they say “But I gave them so much!!!”

    Each person has a part to play in how things turn out.

  5. I feel used because –
    . She told me at the end over text she only ever felt lust toward me while I believed I was in a relationship.
    . She was confused as to why I was upset and didn’t think I was that into it.
    . Last thing she said was that I was annoying her for asking why she thought that and what I did wrong. She since left me on read and requested on Instagram.
    . Saw her 2 weeks after on hinge saying she wants a long term relationship and kids

  6. She constantly makes you feel like you are worthless, treats you like a doormat and you walk on eggshells for her. She tells you when she breaks up with you she was miserable with you. Yet lied to your face about how she told a friend she wanted to marry you one day and constantly brought up you having another kid. Final nail in the coffin pretty sure she cheated on me twice. Then told me guys want me.

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