How to people even have the courage to become a teacher when they know how they used to treat them?

  1. that’s a really good question.

    I think about that all the time.

    r/teaching might be a good place to ask this?

  2. as a person who does freelance teaching, the students are not gonna hate you as long as you treat them accordingly.

    what most people forgot if some students disrespects you, you should set a clear fine line of boundaries with them as well as being genuine and sincere with them.

    if you don’t like the reasonable authority, they will find a way to take you down.

  3. That’s a very subjective question dude. I treated my teachers with respect even when they absolutely did not deserve it looking back now as an adult myself

  4. I wouldn’t guess it’s the troublemaking shitheads that are going on to become teachers. It’s probably the average kids.


    Some of the people that go into teaching actually like to teach. Yeah, weird I know.


    Classrooms aren’t all full of dummies and troublemakers. Most normal schools are normal kids, with a few trouble students. Now there are terrible schools, but most of those schools can’t keep teachers.

  5. I look at my best friend every day when she comes home from teaching middle schoolers and am just in awe of how much bravery and patience she doesn’t even realize she possesses.

    It baffles me man … But teachers are special ppl to really do what they do.

  6. Strong union and decent healthcare, which funds the psych meds they need to keep showing up to work?

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