An (f) friend of mine (24 m) came over to my place over the weekend to hang out and smoke(weed) but the gut feeling I got after they left have they didn’t enjoy it and that I’d probably never do anything with them again. This is someone I met through work(we used to work together)and this was the first time we were hanging out one on one. She initialy expressed interest in hanging out with me, but I was the one who invited her over in this case.

During the hangout, we sat around and smoked and talked, they seemed to be enjoying themselves but she was on her phone a lot(this isn’t specific to me though she just seems to be on her phone a lot no matter who she’s around ), she did seem to enjoy talking to me when she wasn’t on her phone though. The thing that set off the red flags so to speak was the fact they left earlier than they were planning to return a package; if they were really enjoying themselves I highly doubt they would have done that, that seems like the kind of thing someone would use for an excuse to leave. Also when they left they did not suggest hanging out again. But they did text me saying they got home after they left which I was not expecting

All of this left me feeling disappointed since I don’t think I will ever hang out with this person again. Am I reading too much into this or was my initial thought correct?

  1. Maybe she was thinking it was a romantic invitation, and you didn’t give off that vibe to her while she was there?

  2. The fact that she texted you afterwards is a good sign. She didn’t have to tell you that she got home safe, there was consideration on her part. People are just glued to their phones in this age.

    What are your intentions with her? If Romantic, Send her a text telling her that you had fun and that you would like to see a movie or something this week.

    If platonic, “let’s hang out again sometime soon”.

    If no response within 24 hours you have your answer. People feel like there are rules to dating where you have to wait a certain amount of time to talk to somebody after a date, or somebody has to text first. These are stupid notions, if you like somebody, make advances, don’t waste time with somebody who doesn’t like you back.

    If platonic, the same rules apply. People need space but you should remain in contact at least weekly with people you like being around. If people are too busy and choose not to ever make time, they can piss off.

    In this case, she is always on her phone, so you know she will get whatever texts you send her.

  3. this kinda sounds like every hang out these days.

    It was better before cell phones.

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