Burner account because I’m humiliated, but a good friend and I hooked up yesterday. Everything he was doing and saying was so perfect. It all felt so good that I actually started to get overwhelmed. Because of some stuff I’ve endured in the past, I’ve always felt really uncomfortable and disengaged during sex. It was so different with him. I just felt so safe and secure on top of everything else happening.

My eyes started watering uncontrollably. Found out later that I literally had mascara running down my face and neck. Actually cringing at the thought.

Anyway he was super concerned because I usually don’t get emotional. I didn’t want to say something corny like “They’re happy tears, Daddy 😀”

So I just kissed him and told him not to stop. Luckily things continued and actually seemed to get more intense from there. I actually found myself super turned on by the fact that he kept wiping the tears away every so often. New kink unlocked? Nah, I’m just playing.

But, I have to admit that I still feel weird about it all. I can’t imagine how he feels. First time hooking up with a girl and she starts crying? Jesus. He probably thinks I’m such a mess. Like seriously this is straight out of an episode of Riverdale or some shit.

He always talks about how grounded I am. This is the complete opposite of that. We haven’t talked about it since. Even if we did, I wouldn’t really even know how to explain what happened without it sounding weird and desperate.

I wanna fuck him again tho

  1. All you have to do is tell him basically what you wrote here. That it was just so good and you felt so safe that you were overwhelmed, and you’d really like to do it again. I’m guessing he felt the same connection you did and will be thrilled. But either way, shoot your shot. Sounds like there could be something special there.

  2. Do not be afraid to talk to him. Tell him that things were really good and became very emotional in a good way. You hope to continue with your exploration of thsi relationship together.

  3. Crying during sex is hot. The more emotion my partner shows the better the sex. Crying is pretty much the opposite of starfish.

  4. Talk to him about it! Say “I cried because everything felt so good and I was overwhelmed.” Just like you did here. What guy wouldn’t enjoy hearing that? That’s the best feedback ever.

    Crying also is definitely a kink, but I’m not sure if the name/if the name only applies to crying from pain. This is definitely not that. Yours might be more of a kink of being taken care of. Esp if you enjoy using the term “daddy” in bed.

  5. Sounds like you had really physically pleasurable sex and also connected with your friend on an emotional level. What you have is really special. Enjoy it and don’t be afraid to let your emotions out.

  6. I just want to say that I think this actually IS grounded. It might not look like the things we normally think of as being grounded, like sitting on a mountaintop meditating. But you connected to a deep part of yourself, something so powerful your mind couldn’t just shut it down. Grounded can mean lots of different things, but personally I think the ability to be in touch with your feelings and give them space to BE is part of it.

    Everyone is different in how they might react, but personally I find emotional vulnerability and the sense of safety extremely hot. He might feel really good to hear that you felt so safe with him. At minimum, he would probably feel way better knowing you felt safe than wondering if you were actually upset or sad or something.

  7. It happened to me once, almost the same experience. I was so emotional and I was screaming all the time. It was so insane.

  8. I don’t think it got to crying but I’ve gotten pretty emotional during intese love making sessions.

  9. Sounds like you need to fuck him again. There’s nothing wrong with having that emotional release and in fact I would say it’s quite healthy. And for the record. I f-in *love* when my Dom wipes my tears away during scenes.

  10. I have experienced this as well with my husband, then boyfriend at the time.

    It was the best sexual experience to date, physically and mentally. We giggle about it now sometimes because at the time, he thought he hurt me. We had an amazing conversation afterwards tho.

    Sex can be emotional tho. And when you get to experience that emotional connection and chemistry with someone, for me at least, it’s downright euphoric and can be life changing.

  11. This happens with me every so often, especially if I’ve been carrying more stress. The feeling of security hits, and the tears fall. Husband is always so comforting when it happens lol.

  12. I cried when I first slept with my bf too, I felt the safest like I havent felt before so I was overwhelmed. Such a wonderful feeling really, don’t be embarassed, if he asks you why u cried tell him it was a new overwhelming feeling for you, and that you would like to repeat it again.

  13. Sometimes the intensity of your happy hormones overloads you. It’s not a bad thing. It doesn’t happen often enough for people to truly understand it.. It’s a deep level connection of you and your needs and the fairytale of a perfect lover.. A rare honour for guys who mostly miss the importance of it

  14. My wife cries all the time because she gets overwhelmed by the orgasms and feels so emotional about how happy she is and everythung she is feeling that she just breaks down and cries and yes I wipe the tears away.

    It makes her very happy and in no way do I think its weird. Im happy she is happy and yes we also do the daddy dom thing, so while she is crying from the orgasms she will often say something like

    “Please dont stop daddy”

    Because she knows Im very attentative and will stop to check on her and make sure she is safe and okay.

    Dont be ashamed to feel what you feel and like what you like.

    Life is short, do you.

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