My boyfriend and I have been together for a while but he can’t make me cum. I have a really high sex drive (much higher than his) but because I don’t finish I’m never really satisfied and I always want more.

I’ve tried masturbating A LOT. It’s fun I enjoyed it of course. But I’m also trying to get it all out of my system before he gets home so I can let him set the pace sex wise and not push him. It just doesn’t work though. I could get off a dozen times and still want him.

I just feel like a nymphomanic. Is there a reason why I want it so badly from him even if I’m satisfying myself?

  1. More importantly, why can’t he make you cum? You clearly know how, why not tell/show him?

  2. > Is there a reason why I want it so badly from him even if I’m satisfying myself?

    The same reason that chewing gum won’t keep you from starving to death. It’s a fairly thin substitute for a very basic human need.

  3. Something that could be useful is integrating self pleasure devices (vibrators and the like) into your normal sex with him. Not all women are able to climax from PIV sex and I’ve had partners who also did not have the patience to take the time to cum from eating them out. Using these sex toys are a good way to link your pleasure with the actual act of sex, making sure that you get off during the act.
    If you are worried that he will feel emasculated explain to him that it isn’t that he isn’t good enough it’s just that you want to enhance both of your pleasure (believe me it will feel good for him too).

  4. MYbe you are stuck in your head. Sometimes pressure to cut takes the fun out of things and makes it harder to cut. Relax for a time, enjoy the sex for the pleasure of it, and have it without the intention of cumming. If you do great, if you don’t, that’s okay too. Eventually it will come. Once you find that groove, it’s smooth sailing

  5. U either need to teach him/talk to him, about what makes u feel good; or find some1 else.

  6. So if u have masturbated a lot like u put it, u definitely know what and how u like it. Well, put on a white shirt, glasses, a tight black skirt, unbutton the top buttons and teach him how to make u cum! A little bit of a role play and u got the perfect student. Voilá!

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