Today I finished a 3 day business conference with a bunch of my peers. For some background, I have pretty crippling social anxiety and nothing comes naturally to me in this area. I have no friends and usually end up gasping for air when delivering speeches; in other words I’m starting out almost as bad as you can get.

My career is in finance and this naturally attracts a lot of alpha male types and I just really need to fit in better and get over this fear of public speaking. Any advice?

  1. I don’t know where you are but you could look into a Toastmasters group. It’s a group that meets to work on public speaking skills.

  2. Many of us struggle with the signs of nervousness while standing on the stage—sweatiness, stammer, sickness… Some can’t even pronounce a word! From this detailed [guide](, you’ll learn what public speaking tips help to overcome speech anxiety. I wish you luck and remember the most important thing: The more you try, the far you get!

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