What do you say in an argument when the other person is taking low blows? Do you reciprocate?

  1. End it. It’s not an argument at that point, it’s just somebody trying to be hurtful and I have no obligation to stand around and take it.

  2. Nope. There are many aspects of a relationship that should be reciprocated. This is not one of them.

  3. depends because some people disrespect and i don’t tolerate disrespect. i’ll always defend myself.

    but most of the time i’ll walk away.

  4. Depends on the person and the situation. I can get quite spiteful but, I also know when to just take a step back.

  5. “We can discuss this at a different time, if needed. I’m not going to participate in a conversation based on cruelty and disrespectful commentary. It’s not productive, and if you honestly think that’s an appropriate way to talk to someone, then we have nothing further to discuss.”

    Then walk away temporarily or permanently depending on the context and situation at hand.

  6. When somebody is making low blows, they’re doing it because they desperately want you to react. They want you to yell, or say something worse, or get physical. They want to make you snap so that they can become the victim. Walking away is the best thing you can possibly do (even if it’s difficult) because it doesn’t allow them to rewrite the narrative.

  7. When I was younger I would engage because truth be told I can be argumentative and used to care about being the one to prove a point or end the argument. I didn’t get angry often cause I have never been like that, but I definitely engaged. Now I don’t have time for that and I shut it down and step away. It’s either a civil convo or it’s not happening. I have respect for myself and try to remain respectful of who I’m speaking with. I’ve posted this before but my father used to say I could argue with a brick wall and win. I don’t care about doing that anymore unless it’s absolutely needed.

  8. Sheesh I remember the days when I’d continue an argument after things turned nasty. Now, I know enough to say I’m going to step away and do so.

  9. If I’m ever feeling “attacked” in a discussion with my wife I’ll let her know she’s getting close to crossing a line that will force me to bring up stuff she won’t want to hear. Then she’ll be curious as to what I’m thinking and goad me to saying it. Then she’ll spend the next 2-4 hours not talking to me. Marriage is fun!!!

  10. I don’t say anything back. Never have. I let them say what they wanna say and when they’re done I go, “Are you done? Are you ready to act like an adult now?”

    And that usually is enough to slap some sense into them that their behavior before wasn’t appropriate. If they still wanna throw low blows then I leave and tell them to hit me up when they’re ready to talk like an adult.

    I think it really kills people inside when I don’t give them the same negative energy back 😅

  11. Don’t react, end argument, leave area. Someone taking low blows isn’t trying to make a point. They’re looking to hurt someone.

  12. If I’m being respectful and trying to same calm and they keep coming at me I just walk away.

  13. Oof low blows would be the sign that I’m done. Why bother reciprocating. Just end it.

  14. Point out exactly how low this blow is, throwing shade on the person who dealt it. They must be out of good arguments.

  15. *I know you are, but what am I?*

    lol. No seriously, just get away. Nothing good can come out of it when one of you are in the neanderthal brain.

  16. Using low blows means they are desperate and out of facts to support their side and have realized they can’t manipulate your stance. There is no need to reciprocate. Just walk away.

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