I’ve always found myself feeling awkward for what to say back LOL. Any cool responses?

  1. “thanks”
    “Thats nice of you to say”
    “You arent too bad looking yourself”(meaning they are good looking)
    You can look for something to compliment the other person on as well.

  2. That really depends on the situation. If it’s said in an appropriate context and/or meant as a compliment I’d just say thank you. If someone shouts it from a car or something I’d just ignore it and keep walking.

    Usually you can figure out from, like, tone and context clues wether they’re trying to hit on you or if it’s a normal compliment. In a work context, if they’re hitting on me and they’re a customer I’d try to steer the conversation back to the task at hand or small talk. If they don’t get the hint I’d say that I appreciate the compliment but have to focus on my work and try to get the interaction to end as soon as possible. (Not sure if that’s the best way to deal with it)

    If they’re my coworker and hitting on me I’d say that I appreciate the compliment but would prefer to keep the relationship professional/friendly.

  3. “Thank you” is great if you’re not good looking and it shows confident, you can be humble if you’re a good looking and compliant them back

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