I am a straight, cis white guy, 19. I have no problem talking to women in a strictly non-sexual way (e.g. to just ask a question); but, maybe because I’m very active in pretty left-wing circles, I feel this overwhelming shame and guilt as a man at the thought of being attracted to and approaching women. I think of everything I’ve seen and heard about women being uncomfortable and afraid of men, of hating being approached by random creeps, worrying about their safety and so on, and so I feel extremely apprehensive at just the idea of striking up even a casual conversation with a girl, I try to avoid interacting as much as possible to not be a threat or a nuisance. On a strictly logical, intellectual level, I understand that I shouldn’t feel guilty about bad acts I never had any part in committing, but I can’t help it, I still feel extremely uncomfortable at the thought.
I feel very lonely and would love to find a girlfriend, but that seems pretty incombatible with this crippling sense of guilt, and I don’t know what to do about it.

1 comment
  1. Lol dude stop feeling guilty about things you didn’t do!

    I did this to back in the day, and women actively start think your gay. Or worse a nice guy.

    They will put up with you because you’re attractive. In the hopes you grow some balls and really be direct, and tell them what you want from them. and ask them out.

    I still to this day find myself in situations like this.

    Because i respect/value women to much. Without even knowing them that well. And im not saying disrespect them or mistreat them.

    But you should respect everyone equally and value the girls more when you start to know them more personally.

    In short, Don’t be like me!

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