I met someone on holiday a month ago. I think it was almost love at first sight. We kept in touch and I went again a month after (so last weekend).

I was on holiday in that place because I was planning to move there, and in fact I decided to move in October.

We have been keeping in touch but he has deep trust and abandonment issue which I think are making him super suspicious of me and he’s pushing me away, a bit.

When he was drunk he said he was scared I would meet someone else I like better and that I wouldn’t see him anymore, or that I will just decide to move somewhere else.
Then when he was sober he also told me that when I move there, we should hang out “as friends” to build up rapport before making any decisions, and that otherwise it would be too intense and he listed a few reasons why it wouldn’t work between us.
When I confronted him about it and said that if he doesn’t want to be with me cool, he said it’s not like he will never want to be and that he didn’t explain himself well.

In the same conversation he told me he doesn’t want me to stop seeing people just because of him, that maybe I’ll fall in love with someone else and he doesn’t want to be the reason why that doesn’t happen. He added he would be very upset if he waited for me 2 months until I move there only to find out I’ve found someone else.

I didn’t say much to this because I just didn’t understand. Like he’s telling me to go find someone else? Not to commit to him until I move there? But why

Same night he opened up to me about personal stuff etc

It’s like he gets close, then he pushes me away and he keeps doing this

I feel like he’s self sabotaging and finding reasons/ways not to get too attached but then he likes me too much to lose me.

I’m not sure if I should just reassure him and tell him I’m committed to him until further notice (meaning until I think we don’t work together) or if I should just leave him alone for a bit.

I feel like he needs reassurance but that if I’m too forward he’ll feel overwhelmed and will push me away.

What’s your take?


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