why do I grow facial hair so damn quickly? I’m 17 btw I hate it 🙁

  1. Embrace dude. There’s lots of guys even in their 20s that would kill to have that.

    Mine didn’t start growing like that until I hit 25.

  2. It started growing for me, before I even started high school, lol.

    No idea why you hate it. I didn’t even start cutting it, until 19.

  3. Because most of the other voices here dismiss how YOU feel about it, saying that you should be happy because others don’t have such hair growth:

    Your feelings are valid and I bet it can be annoying for the feeling of it or the looks.

    I don’t know a lot about beards (I am M though). Best solution I can think of is getting in a shaving routine to keep it trimmed to your liking.

  4. Your feelings are yours, but so are your genetics. I used to keep an electric razor with a 12v cord in my truck in high school, sometimes had to shave twice a day (I would get kicked off the football team if I let it grow), and Gunny got on my ass in the Marines if I didn’t shave again around 4 pm. Which is why I will never not have a (short, neat) beard again.

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