How much information can you fit on one sheet of paper?

  1. Endless if you consider qr codes.

    But back in university, you’d be shocked how many formulas you can scribble in

  2. Depends what type of information

    Engineering equations? My favorite tv shows? My feelings about life?

    I have a different answer for each one but I think I can fit at least more than half of each topic’s entirety on it

  3. It really depends on the resolution of the printer and scanner you’re using to print and read that information.

    With a consumer grade set up.. very rough estimate of about a megabyte with high end equipment and tons of messing around with settings etc.. probably average around a few KB for most home/ office printers and scanners.

  4. The US was technically founded on one sheet of paper. Or at least everything was formally declared on one sheet and sent to the King of England. “We don’t like you.”

  5. For some of our exams, we could make an A4 cheat sheet. You can’t believe how much we could actually put in it. Solutions, chapters, answers, you name it etc.

  6. In college, I could write small enough to fit an entire test worth of information on a piece of paper, front and back. Could I read it? 70% of the time. Did it help me learn to memorize and not actually learn? Yes. Also helped me realize I have photographic memory.

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