I’m a little shy so I don’t do it often, but I also notice that other people don’t always do it either. I would do it more often if it were considered to be rude not to do it, but I genuinely don’t know.

  1. It would depend on a few different things. The time, the location/setting, and the overall vibes of the current situation. After summing up the situation, it ultimately comes down to your energy level at the moment and just how confident, full of gusto and committed to polite proper social cues you want or need to be.

  2. Depends. If someone makes eye contact with me while walking past I’ll say hello. If they make eye contact with me while we are a bit apart and there is a few seconds I’ll say “hey how are you?” This fills the seconds for them to say I’m good, you? I’ll say good.

    No eye contact? 50/50. If they are staring at the ground ( this happened a lot because of my job) I’ll likely say nothing. Somtimes just a quick hey. This works well if they may kinda know you to strike up a convo too

  3. I know other countries and cultures have different options on eye contact. But here in the states I give dudes eye contact and a nod, and women eye contact and a polite smile, and it’s worked out okay for me. It’s younger people that don’t reciprocate that stuff these days and that’s what weirds me out, ironically.

  4. Continuing Question: when a two acquaintances are walking toward each other, when is it socially acceptable to acknowledge their presence? 1 m? 2 m?
    Like do I try and small talk as I walk toward them?
    Do I look down and wait till the correct length before looking up?
    Do I awkwardly smile?

    SOS. Send help

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