I mind my words and only swear in front of my friends, however I often unknowingly raise my voice and use a rude tone. I am used to speaking rudely without anyone paying attention as my classmates in elementary were mostly boys who paid no mind to the way I talked.

However, now that I’m in middle(or high school[?] in other countries, my country calls both middle and high school as secondary school) school, I think I need to mind my tone more. Oftentimes a teacher has told me to mind my tone or my language (now my new classmates swear a lot, I’ve been picking up a wide range of swear words to use for nearly every situation haha) or I’d reflect back on the day and realise what I said was rude.

I didn’t make this post trying to validate my swearing and raising of voice, I’m trying to find ways to help me be more polite. I’ve heard of the term fake it till you make it, however I spontaneously say rude things. If I took the time to think before speaking I would miss the timing. I’ve tried to change before by myself but it’s always hard to keep it in mind.

I unintentionally raise my voice too. I have a very loud and clear voice, and used more often than I’d like it to be used. I look at my friends and realise I’m the only one making a big reaction and it feels like I’m overreacting. I regret these all at the end of the day but my behaviour never seems to change.

Is there any way to be more mindful of my actions?

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