Hi guys, Romy here. I am deep love with my best friend. It is not like it just happened in few days. It has been developing for a long time and finally I have realized that I am in love with her. Even though I have proposed her. But she said I didn’t think that ‘you will have feelings for me, we are just best friends’. I am honest with my feelings. I can give her the love she deserve. I am pretty sure about that. I believe in long-term and loyal relationship. What should I do.

  1. You were never honest about your feelings, let’s be real here.

    You became friends with a woman you were attracted to. Then you stayed as friends with her and hung out with her like a good little puppy, thinking you can make her fall in love with you by showing how much you care for her as a friend.

    What you should’ve done was be more direct in the first place, show your interest in her, then take her out on a date.

    This whole ‘long con’ friendships that men put themselves in with women they are attracted to is the dumbest possible thing to do. You spend all this time together with this woman as her friend, wasting all this time, for a high percentage of getting turned down at the end.

    Take this as a life lesson and moving forward, you actually need to be honest with women if you are intrigued / attracted to her.

  2. Ask her out. Be honest. I like you. That’s what you should do. Then shut up and listen to her. Communicate with her about what you should do next.

    I don’t believe it’s your fault. Don’t listen to the other guy.

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