How often do you “feel fat”?

  1. Whenever someone one comments on how heavy I am (I weigh more than a person my size and age should weigh. I’m not fat I’m actually quite skinny but I weigh a lot).

    When Someone talks about how much I eat. So almost everyday. I say almost because I try to isolate my self.

  2. Didn’t use to until my mum out of the blue said that my stomach is flaccid. Now every time I think about it I feel like a water balloon.

  3. Coming from a recovered ED standpoint, I try to change my thoughts of “fat” into what they actually are for me, bloated. I’m fit/thin and anytime I get the “fat” feeling I just remind myself I’m bloated from eating or PMS or something. It is rare for me to actually “feel fat” on a day to day basis, I would say maybe once a month if even that.

  4. When I think about it, when I get dressed, if I see myself in the mirror or in a picture or video, when I’m sitting down, when I’m walking and my thighs rub together, when I’m eating and I want seconds

  5. I’ve fully recovered physically from being very underweight some years back, but I still can’t shake the idea that I’m now fat, since I’m notably bigger than before and had to buy all new clothes. Logically, I know I’m healthy now where I wasn’t before, but the mindset is SO hard to shake. Maybe that feeling will never go away?

  6. Never because after having an ED, I’m just always grateful that I’m at a healthy weight and that I’m alive and well. When I had an ED, I constantly felt fat, even when I was 72 pounds and my doctor was telling me I was about to die, I just didn’t feel happy with myself. After I gained weight and finally got a healthy weight, and snapped out of that mentality, I’m at the point where I’m content with basically everything in terms of appearance. Like, I’m me, I’m happy, and that’s kind of all that matters.

  7. I grew up constantly criticized on my weight. It was a roller coaster of weights. Finally, after processing a traumatic event, I found myself emotionally eating. I got to the biggest I was and found it “safe” to avoid future sexual traumas. I recently met my partner who told me how easy it was to lose weight since I am trying to get healthy and stay healthy. It has been so easy just counting calories on this “lose it” app. However, I find myself still feeling fat at times. During the time of the month and when family makes comments that are negative body image comments are when I still feel fat despite losing 32 points within the past 3 months or so. My partner reminds me regularly of how pretty and amazing I am. Hope this helps.

  8. Anytime clothes don’t fit me right or I think I look off or after I eat food and feel bloated as well as Anytime someone says something about my body

  9. I really struggle with this. I know I’m not fat, but when I look in the mirror or see a photo i think I look fat. I’m 5’8” and I weigh 114, so objectively I’m actually slightly underweight, but I personally feel like I’m so big, like a monster. Like I’m too ugly to participate in society. Just today even I felt like I looked extra fat today, and I was afraid for people to see me in public so I hid inside my apartment all day.

  10. only when I weigh myself. My husband is 5’9′ and like maybe 160 pounds, and im 5’7′ and not that much lighter than him. Id be surprised if it was more than 10 pounds.

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