After a few years on dating sites I’m now in a committed relationship. While very happy about that, I’ve found that some people I thought were good friends in a completely platonic way now seem to want nothing to do with me. One guy I had long standing plans to visit when I will be in his part of the country later this year, he seemed to be really looking forward to it, now doesn’t even respond to emails asking him anything about it, or anything else really when he used to be so friendly and chatty. I did meet him through a dating site but I thought we established early on that we weren’t a match due to conflicting lifestyles but had enough in common to be friends but now guess he was just hoping I’d change my mind and date him and now realizes that is not going to happen.

Also a few other men I know, once I told them I was moving in with someone seemed to pretty much lose interest in communicating with me at all. Two of these people are on my “emergency contacts” list, guess I need to revise that lol.

  1. As I type this comment, that just happened, I have also burnt the bridge as it is purely malicious

  2. Reddit is exceptionally naive about opposite sex “friendships”. There is almost always one party that is waiting in the wings hoping something will happen eventually.

  3. I have a female friend who if I’m being honest, I have feelings for. I don’t message her as much since she started dating someone as I thought it fair to give her a bit of space but I still talk to her and I’m chatty when she messages me and I’m planning on seeing her next week when I visit her country.

  4. Some people are like that, they keep you because they have other intentions while pretending to be “just your friend”. I take what they say with a grain of salt for that reason. Because they promise on a good day, but if things don’t go their way, it’s conditional.

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