Do Men twerk once in a while when no one’s watching?

  1. No, but sometimes I play music and do the whole living room ninja thing imagining myself in a fight scene I just watched when I know I won’t get caught.

  2. No, but I definitely dance. Not proper dancing. Just kinda fidget dancing, like when I’m waiting on something. Slightly more stimulating than standing completely still.

  3. No… probably something that would never cross most guys minds.

    The ‘helicopter’ on the other hand… EVERY guy has done it lol.

  4. No. but I do copy my 2yo daughter when she’s dancing. It’s a lot of knee- and elbow-work.

  5. My dance floor strat:

    Step 1 Fancy footwork like nobody else is watching. Get attention. Loose arms, feet touching the ground whenever the melody demands, hips bouncing to the beat, shoulders and head going to the vocals

    Step 2 if you did step one right, a girl may come up to you and twerk near you. DO NOT get straight into grinding. Start back to back hip to hip. Follow her lead but put some spice in. Be each-other’s telepath.

    This is the part where man twerking happens

    Between songs, complement her, vibe check, drink in hand check. Next song get in.

    Next song get drinks, talk, and get numbers if able

  6. I can tell you for absolute certain that not ALL men twerk once in a while when no one’s watching.

  7. Twerking i can do only for laughs when there are people around!! But on my own, i definitely dance!

  8. My dance floor strat:

    Step 1 Fancy footwork like nobody else is watching. Get attention. Loose arms, feet touching the ground whenever the melody demands, hips bouncing to the beat, shoulders and head going to the vocals

    Step 2 if you did step one right, a girl may come up to you and twerk near you. DO NOT get straight into grinding. Start back to back hip to hip. Follow her lead but put some spice in. Be each-other’s telepath.

    This is the part where man twerking happens

    Between songs, complement her, vibe check, drink in hand check. Next song get in.

    Next song get drinks, talk, and get numbers if able

  9. If I tried to twerk I’d hurt my back. Try explaining that to the doctor in the ER.

  10. I’ll do it in the checkout line at the grocery store. Gotta keep the girlfriend guessing and on her toes.

  11. My gf says that I got a nice ass and her lady friends like it when I do. I can sort of mix and count it as squats, so it’s a win/win.

  12. I don’t but I don’t really properly dance in general, I’ll bob my head, tap a foot or drum along but it’s never a full body thing.

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