How did your weekend go? Any good, bad or meh dates you want to tell us about?

  1. I can’t get over the fact that the guy I’m seeing is liking thirst trap pictures of specific instagram profiles religiously. There is one girl in particular where he has liked almost every post, and all of which are provocative with flirtatious captions (lingerie bedroom shots, bikini pics, up skirt shots etc). He’s also liked posts from another profile of a 21 yo that lives in our city.

    We’ve been dating for over 3 months now and knowing that he continues to do this makes me sick to my stomach, and I don’t know how to stop being uncomfortable with this. I’ve brought up the fact that I feel frequently pitted against other women even though he often tells me I’m beautiful, and that I know he likes thirst trap pictures but didn’t point out these specific profiles. He tried to defend it before by saying he likes a variety of different posts (which is true). Not sure how to approach the subject again but I will need to because I’m realising that it might be a deal breaker for me. I feel like the only way to address it fully is to mention the specific profiles. Any advice or differing perspective would be really appreciated.

  2. I really liked this guy.. lots of flirting, thought it was mutual. But nothing was happening physically. I took the risk and told him how I felt, he said it is mutual but he’s with someone so we can’t act on it. After 3 months of talking pretty much everyday about personal stuff and this is the first time he’s mentioned it. So I’ve downloaded an OLD app and had a few mediocre conversations. Fml

  3. I went on a date last night for the first time in a long long while and wow the text chemistry translated amazingly well in person and he didn’t feel like a stranger at all, we were huggy and hand holdy the whole time with a lot of laughing and banter. Finally this baby seal has some hope

  4. Went on a date with cute guy. Went well but no clue if we’ll go out again. Hr ses keen to meet up but I’m not putting all my marbles in one basket
    I’ll keep meeting other guys.

    Have another sateset up with a different guy. This multi dating/meeting up for coffee is getting exhausting now. I might take another break from Bumble.

  5. My boyfriend and I enjoyed a lazy weekend with a few spontaneous food dates. It was great to snuggle, play games, watch shows, eat, walk our pups, and just enjoy one another!

  6. Got too anxious about the guy I’ve been seeing recently. I think I just really want this boundaries/expectations convo to happen already. Hoping he will ask about getting together this week later today but if he doesn’t I think I’m just going to have to do it myself (even tho it feels like I’ve been initiating a lot recently) and see what he says

  7. The long distance dude still hasn’t responded since thursday. Someone from the past whom I reconnected recently texted me quite a lot in the weekend. We went out as platonic friends thrice so far since our reconnection. We broke up 1.5 yrs ago because he couldn’t move on from his ex and wasn’t sure about his feelings for me. He was never open up to me at that time.

  8. Had three dates this weekend – one person canceled on me and I canceled on another person.

    Date 1 – The guy seemed okay and was polite – but told me a very weird story about how the night before a close friend of his was all over him. He also told a story about how he got kicked out of another group of friends because “he told a girl he liked her. Seems like there was some fibbing on his end and the friend of his would have ended up being a problem eventually. I told him I wasn’t interested in moving forward.

    Date 2: This is someone I’ve known for a bit. We went to an art market and ended up hanging out all day. We just talked and ate some food. He was really polite. Helped some old people out at the art market, paid for everything, asked me a bunch of questions and was a good listener. The only thing is that he is living with his parents while he saves for a house. I think I’m going to keep getting to know him in the meantime.

    Date 3 – I went out with a friend of my ex today. He was also really nice and we have some common interests. He was really quiet but wanted to make more plans right away. I think I’m going to see him again.

  9. No dates. In fact, I went ahead and deleted my apps and profiles. Just got my vasectomy on Friday and I’m taking a break until I’m confirmed sterile.

    It’s hard because I miss the rush of meeting new people, but I’m excited to not have to worry about accidental pregnancy.

  10. friday i hat a first date that went well. light snacks, moderate drinking, heavy sex. we’re still talking now about things in a refreshingly honest way. how we’re both happy but still have understandable reservations.

    saturday i had a date planned with a different girl, but postponed it for a phone call from the one i had been very close with and then the call never came. we had it tonight and i honestly can’t tell what’s going on with us. much closer than before but less romantic.

    sunday’s date went well. i recommended a breakfast spot while she was on a trip and she brought back a pastry from there for me.

    i have three ex’s who reached out to see me but i was busy. what am i supposed to feel to be doing well at dating, but just sick over someone i want as a friend but our intimacy level is way beyond that.

  11. Matched with a person on an OLD app, they have been very intentional with their conversation and questions. It is so refreshing to have a clear indication of what this person is all about. So far this is the first match that I’ve had (in 3 months of being on apps) that has taken this approach. Looking forward to a meeting soon!

  12. Had two decent first dates this weekend (both lasting hours, but with no spark at all – I was honest about it at the end) but can’t get a guy I met two weeks ago out of my head.

    That was probably the best first date I ever had with anyone that ended up in us hooking up the following day, even though I really wanted to wait with sex. Not only did he not reach out afterwards (I gave him my number), it turns out he also gave me oral chlamydia and I’ve been very sick for over a week with a brief stay in a hospital. I only discovered this on Friday.

    I messaged him on Bumble about this as soon as I found out and he was apologetic but then stopped messaging again only to reach out at 3am on Saturday night saying stuff like “I like you”, “I shouldn’t”. Again, he’s got my number but messaged me on the app. I like him a lot but he clearly just wanted a hookup and this messes with my head way too much.

    We’ve talked about meeting up again before and I never in a million years would have slept with him if I had known this was just a hookup to him (he was incredibly affectionate and seemed like was really into me). I feel dirty and used and like an idiot because I still like him and still hope we can go out again. Ugh.

  13. Saw my current dating partner in Tuesday last week and we had gnocchi at an Italian restaurant and went for a walk. Got my kiss (second date) but wasn’t happy with it being at her car in a carpark so I’ll try and make a better smooch memory. She was away for the rest of the week and weekend on a little holiday with a friend so we didn’t talk a lot but she’s back now and we’ve just organised for her to meet my dog and we’ll walk him tomorrow and I’m going to prep a little picnic thing too so we can watch the sunset over the river. Might be a bit cute. I like this one 🙂 , I have a very good feeling so far and it seems to be reciprocal.

  14. So I went on a few dates with this girl. We netflixed and chilled. During the deed she was pretty nervous but it turned to be pretty good in the end. After the deed she seemed very nonchalant about it. Only slightly cuddled then she wanted to get up and do other things. I was pretty confused, normally after the deed people are normally more intimate.

    Once outside it was like before, I d always initiate holding her hand. I am just confused about the whole situation. Some times her body language looks like shes really into me, some times she feels very distant but then again she did make the 1st move to kiss me this is prob cos I wasnt sure if she wanted cos she was leaning away so I couldnt get close to do it, it was very unexpected for her to move to kiss me. Verbally she has told me she likes me and thinks i m good looking and couldn’t find any red flags.

    Text wise we were never very good but conversation in person on phone were pretty good and that remains that way. I don’t know if I am just over thinking it because I am so into her. I am pretty scared tbh but I have not committed to any girl the past few years because of a bad break up 3 years ago. So maybe I should just not worry and see where it goes. Have to take this risk, like they say better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

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