Do you still enjoy the things (sometimes) that you used to when you were a teen ? It can be eating habit , choice of books you read , abandonement of a hobby etc.

  1. What’s interesting, and I JUST talked to my brother about this – all the things I enjoyed doing as a teen, I still enjoy doing, with one exception. I still play guitar. I still enjoy motorcycles and old cars. I still really love cooking. The one exception is reading. I used to read all the time as a teen. Reading books was way more entertaining and better stories than what TV and movies can do. But as I’ve gotten older, reading puts me to sleep. So I don’t read much anymore.

    The other side of the coin is being married with someone that is my complete compliment. And all the things that excite her, I can’t help but take an interest. And of course having kids and doing the parents thing has been rewarding for me. I can’t make that reccomendarion for all but I really enjoyed the early days of parenthood when the kids were little and all their joy and excitement at new things.

    So…..just a few things here that make me happy.

  2. I love music and books. I have thousands of saved songs on my computer, arranged by the year I downloaded them since 2000. I will sit at my computer and play song after song, there is so much to enjoy.

    And I love to read. And love to reread books. There is so much beauty and pleasure, and exploration of life and emotion contained in the pages of good books. I can lose myself. I’m not, and can never be bored.

    “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”. Paradise Lost

  3. Still enjoying the stuff. I stopped being a workaholic. It was a slow process, but I’m happy again.

  4. I still love dancing but I’m getting older so can’t do it as often. I still love hiking, longboarding, and playing video games. I still love travelling even though I hate flying, I love nature, I love enjoying a good movie, reading a book, or learning a new subject. Life isn’t so bad actually. I no longer live in a state with my friends but we still connect when I visit and I also game with them occasionally. I love anime still and really just enjoy life as best I can. It can be horrible at times but also nice.

  5. I make a choice to find happiness in the things I do. I find joy in seeing myself make the tiniest of improvements every day.

  6. Always been a big fan of lifelong learning – reading, discovering different perspectives, taking in as much as I can about this odd existence we’re all part of 😉

    Other than that, building and maintaining close relationships, music, hiking, the simple stuff. Have no desire for an extravagant high-stakes life, just want to be comfortable and content (and getting there).

  7. Only thing that really makes me happy right now is going on the Herman Cain Awards and watching cocky Republican anti-vaxxers either lose their life or the life of someone they love or cause permanent damage to themselves

  8. I have always enjoyed gaming which I still do to this day, but as a kid I alway loved riding my bike, so not long after covid hit, quit smoking, bought a full sus mountain bike ( which I had wanted for years) and started riding again, 2 years and over 1600 miles later and I still love it and what’s made it all the better my 10 year old daughter asked me to get her a mountain bike for Xmas, so I took her to the local mtb shop and ordered her a GT….

  9. What makes me happy is knowing this entire planet is full of shit people and that human annihilation is already on the way

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