Everyone has that one secret they don’t want anybody to know, so are CONSTANTLY lying about.. this is the sign t get it off your chest!

  1. all of my customers think I’m muscular as a result of working hard and I just go with it, even though I slack as hard as possible because I’m paid by the hour.

  2. I almost never tell the truth to people I know about how I’m doing. If I’m going through it, there are about five people I can tell and I don’t tell them every single time. People do not tend to react the way you would hope they would when they hear what’s bothering you. People do not always react the way they said they would if they feel they’ve had a hand in it.

    I tend to tell the internet how I’m doing a lot more than people I meet or know in real life.

  3. I’m not actually 6’3″ I used to be but as I’ve gotten older I’ve shrunk, I’m actually just a hair under 6’2.75″

    I hide it by growing my hair longer than I used to so it seems the same as before but I’m not gonna lie, that .25 inches is all fluff!

  4. That I’m doing okay. For a long time now, my default answer to “How are you doing?” Is to say I’m doing alright. I feel like I’m burden8ng people with my issues if we start going into detail about why I’m not doing well.

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