Whatever sauce I make, I always mix it in with the pasta. But my missus dumps the pasta in the dish, then a dollop of the sauce on top. It’s surely one of our national dishes, so who’s got it right?

  1. Woah!!! I don’t often gasp at a post but whaaaattt?!??
    Bolognese goes on top in a dollop or more likely in my house three dollops. Then it is up to the person eating it to do as he/she/they/them seems fit with it. You do not push your heathen ways of eating bolognese on others. Where is your etiquette?

    Sorry edited because in my shock I didn’t notice ‘person eating’ had some how turned into pool resin which somehow feels karmic

  2. Pasta first then a little bit(lot) of grated cheese then the mince and sauce on top.

  3. Erm what mixing it before serving seems gross, despite the fact I mix it up when I eat it anyway lol, I guess it’s about the presentation

  4. Always mix some of the sauce with the pasta in my opinion. I hate plain pasta with sauce sitting on top.

    I just mix enough in to coat the pasta and then let it sit for a couple of minutes to finish cooking in its own heat. That lets the flavour from the sauce soak into the pasta.

    I always leave the pot of sauce on the table so people can add more if they want.

    Edit. This is also the way that Italians do it.

    Also, I prefer something like Penne or Rigatoni for Bolognese. The tubes help hold onto the sauce.

  5. Let Ragu cook for 4/5 hours (if you’re going to do it do it right)

    Cook the pasta as per instructions and use a thicker pasta than spaghetti (for me it’s pappardelle), or better yet make it fresh, it makes such a difference.

    When the pasta is *almost* done add it to the Ragu and add a couple of ladels of the pasta water too, then mix them thoroughly and serve with an extra dollop of Ragu on top and some freshly grated pecorino, or Parmesan.

    This is the way.

  6. I add a bit of pasta water to the ragu, mix a bit of sauce into the pasta so it’s ‘slippy’ dish it up into bowls with ragu on top, then fresh parmigiana on top. The Italians would probably disown me 😂

  7. Dollop on top then cheese. Then I eat all the pasta followed by the bolognaise because I’m weird.

  8. Mix and also add a spoonful of the pasta water to the sauce. Its the way pretty much any pasta dish should be done

  9. The cheffy thing to do is to add the pasta to the sauce in the pan and mix to ensure every strand is evenly coated/not dry/bland. (I don’t have a strong opinion either way)

  10. You mix it and cook it for a minute with the “al dente” pasta, so that the pasta is fully cooked and absorbs a bit of the sauce

  11. I’d mix it, but I’m not really bothered. It’s just easier to do so in the pan than on a plate

  12. As someone who is italian, you should ALWAYS mix the sauce with the pasta


  13. This might be a war crime, but the last 3 times I’ve made it for my British husband (I’m not originally British, nor Italian) I’ve added extra water to the sauce, waited for it to boil and then added the dry spaghetti. Makes the spaghetti extra flavorful (none of that awful water taste) and saves on washing pots. I’m not saying that this method is right- but it tastes that way.

  14. My mum always laid the spaghetti in like a ring around the plate with bolognese in the middle on the plate inside the circle.

  15. Mixed in with grated cheese on top and a sprig of parsley to make it look pretty 😄

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