I (25F) met someone (32M) here on Reddit 2 years ago and things were well, we really hit it off because we had lots in common, we moved to Snapchat and talked every day I like to think we helped each other through our worst times the problem is that we live in different countries and although I had planned to visit where he lives before we even started talking the pandemic made things difficult.

Fast forward to a few months ago he started talking less, responding less, I was going through some issues and when I asked him for help he replied days after I first asked and wasn’t even interested, last Friday I sent him a message asking him what’s going on? He hadn’t even seen the message when I for some reason went to Instagram because I was bored only to see he had someone else.

I unfollowed him everywhere didn’t wait for his reply because I was so sad thinking this guy who came out of nowhere and was great, talked, told me he liked me and other stuff stopped caring about me just like that. We weren’t in a relationship ofc because long distance is not a thing either of us wanted to explore but I still caught feelings for him and I don’t know about his side because we never discussed it.

I’m now into 4 days of not talking to him and I miss him more than ever, I miss the good days, I miss that side of him that made me believe someone could like me the way I am and I’m sad I’ll never meet him or do all the things we had planned together.

Please give me some advice to get over him because my cold heart is melting and I’m suffering.

TLDR: Met a guy on Reddit two years ago, we talked everyday he started to be distant towards me and has a new gf now. I’ve decided to cut contact with him but I still miss him everyday.

  1. Find someone new, it’s hard but you can do it. Preferably in the real world. It’s not normal or healthy to get attached to someone that you’ve never met before.

  2. Time heals all. In the mean while keep yourself occupied , try to not give him a second thought . And when you are ready you will find someone else .

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