Technically not ready for a relationship rn. But the thought of having someone to talk to sounds nice

  1. Don’t listen to the morality police of reddit, you are allowed to date without the intention of getting into a relationship. It’s 2022, people don’t go celibate until they’re ready to get into a relationship. Also you can date without having sex.

    People on this sub are mostly just mad because their last partner turned down a relationship so they come on here to wage a keyboard crusade against “hookup culture”.

  2. I’ve been going through the exact same thing, makes me feel better that I’m not alone. It’s like you want that experience of getting to know someone, but you don’t really care if it goes anywhere. I think, for myself, a big reason is for a confidence boost. Not sure of your situation, but after 6.5 years, it would be nice to see that you can still attract people.

  3. You can casually date. For the sake of others, be upfront about not wanting a relationship. It spares the time of people that want relationships.

  4. I’ve been there before. Try casual dating but make sure you let the other party know you are not looking for anything committed or serious (or whatever your personal intentions are) that way no one is mislead.

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