What are your strategies on surviving a trip to Walmart?

  1. I have never been assaulted at a walmart. is that a thing where you live? Try not wearing red or blue, I guess.

  2. 1. Drive naked to Walmart. It’s a lot more comfortable. Put on shorts and T shirt in the parking lot. No shoes or gloves.
    2. Once inside focus on the particular items I knew I needed before arriving.
    3. Avoid wandering aimlessly around the store looking at other stuff.
    4. Use their self-check out because that’s all they have.
    5. Remove clothing in parking lot to drive home. It’s a lot more comfortable.

  3. Hydrate and always have that thing on you.

    And by that thing, I mean your cell phone cause if anything is gonna happen, it’s probably gonna happen at Walmart, and the rest of us want to see it too.

  4. Walk in with tunnel vision, go to what you need and get out, walk as fast as you can and don’t stop for anything, it’s over before you know it.

  5. I’m the best shopper, but the worst person to go shopping with. Whenever I go to a store, I know exactly what I’m going to get, and then I leave. But when I go with my fiancé, and we just peruse, I fuggin hate that and will drag my feet the whole way.

  6. Free shipping over $30. Just buy shampoo or toilet paper or some other non-perishable to get to that amount.

  7. I park out in the back so I don’t lose my car, or get door dings

    I go in with the mentality that people are going to be everywhere constantly and adjust my mood to that

    I have a pattern I follow, walk in the right side, then do a loop around the store to get what I need, then head out.

    Expect the self checkout area to be a shit show

    Our Walmarts aren’t super wild either though.

  8. Plan your route. Study a layout of that particular store and optimize your path to get everything you need as quickly as possible. Then use the self-checkout and get tf out of there.

  9. Never had a problem with Walmart but I’ve only went to the ones in the suburbs where you don’t see the fruity pebbles, druggies, homeless etc.

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