When was the first time when you started cussing ?

  1. My parents cussed like crazy during my youth. I was busted in 5th grade for writing a note to a girl calling her a bitch for taking a book. Sent to the principal’s office. Parents had to come in. All straight faced. They both giggled on the way home. I’m finally trying to tone it down, now that I’m 70 🤠

  2. When I was in a third grade (8/9 y.o. in my country), we had a two-week long field trip. Our teacher’s son – who was in a sixth grade and who joined us because his mother couldn’t leave him alone for two weeks – taught us all the nasty words. Before that trip almost no one in our class cursed. After that trip, all the boys turned into Samuel L. Jacksons, lmao.

  3. I’ve neverI really used profanity (I’m 35yo).

    I just find I have better words to describe how I’m feeling or what I’m doing. I do use profanity but it’s more in instances like when I stub my toe.

  4. My parents cussed when I was young.

    Turns out, the apple doesn’t fall from the fucking tree.

  5. I think I was 8-9, my sister heard me cuss when I stubbed my toe and gave me a lecture

  6. 16. I don’t really swear. I am a firm beleiver that if you have to swear to get your point across you don’t have anything important to say. A swear word is just a word you use to fill empty space in a sentence.

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