Me (29M) and my wife (27F) are heterosexual and been married for 8 years, first boyfriend/girlfriend and waited until marriage for any sexual acts, and looking back it was a risk to get married that young but OH BOY let me tell you I hit the damn jackpot, she’s wonderful, caring, sweet, sexy, fun, I could go on and on but where I’m looking for advice is we recently tried oral and it turns out she absolutely loves giving blowjobs (like I said, absolute jackpot) but I’m having a problem and need advice

At the start I had a difficult time staying hard through the entire blowjob even though it felt great, now I can stay hard for as long as she can go but after a couple minutes everything gets so sensitive that it almost starts to hurt (but while still feeling good so I don’t want her to stop)

So, does anybody know why a penis could start off normal but get more and more sensitive? Is there anything I can try to help that? As the guy is there anything I should do during to make it better for her? And is there a good way for a incredibly inexperienced (but eager to learn) woman to learn how to give oral (with only one person to practice on)? I kinda doubt porn is realistic but that’s the only source I can think of for a way to learn

  1. Give her feedback on what feels good, what feels great, and what feels not so great. Watching porn can give some tips, if you’re watching it as a demonstration. But it may take a lot of watching, because everyone is different.
    Enjoy practicing!!!!

  2. Yes! Nina Hartley’s guide to oral sex. About an hour. Watched it the other day and it gave me some great tips! It’s on This is the best advice you’ll ever get in your entire life so you’re welcome! Haha

  3. Search for some “amateur sensual blowjob” type of porn if you’re needing an example and remember that it’s STILL porn, and porn is not real. If you’re getting that sensitive, it’s possible something isn’t right.

  4. too much stimulation. teeth. rough handling. the penis is used to going in the smoothest, softest place.

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