okay so I’m (F20) and right now I’m learning a course in uni

The second week I went and this lady was like to me “I’m sorry I wasn’t here last week” in my head all I could think about is “does it look like I care?” and ever since then she has annoyed me for no reason, like when she talks to me I get annoyed.

(Like she hasn’t done anything wrong)

like she is a lovely lady, but she just annoys me but she’s not annoying (hopefully that make sense

  1. You don’t like that she apologized. It’s about the lesson and everything that is irrelevant.

  2. I have a similar issue I’m getting way too pissed off at people recently because of all the stressers I have rent free in my mind maybe try some self reflecting and try to understand if u may have something bothering u internally that may be coming out and poisoning your interactions with others

  3. Just put yourself in a greeter mode. Smile be pleasant like you are performing a role.

    Check out any basic hospitality training for hotel staff. Seriously.

  4. Maybe you’re low on sleep or something with your mental affects you to be irritable tbh

  5. This honestly happens to me too sometimes, it’s usually if someone spams in a group chat, like not everyone needs to know exactly what you’re doing, or if I talk with someone knowing very well another person is listening and they just chime in even if they weren’t meant to listen to the convo

  6. Look up “Carl Jung and the shadow psychology” often our annoyances with others are simply psychological projection

  7. Check to see if this could be related to your hormones/period. Look up PMDD and see if anything resonates. Good luck

  8. Do you have issues with anxiety?

    Before I was medicated, my anxiety/stress sometimes manifested as irritation (usually about small things like your situation).

  9. Maybe try asking her a little bit about herself? Sometimes I am very irritated by others when I am very self focused or self absorbed. If she’s actually a lovely lady, she’s probably somewhat interesting and if you lead with curiosity you might be pleasantly surprised.

  10. Yeah I had this issue for the entirety of the last 2 weeks, just thinking in my head and even saying aloud ‘shut the fuck up’, ‘bro, do you not know when to shut up damn’, the whole lot.

    THE SOLUTION is to just have real good mental health and have a good vibe and just feel good overall so that nothing fucks with ur vibe.

    Harder than it sounds but yeah you get the concept right?

  11. Maybe try to the others persons emotional needs behind the communication. In this case a maybe a need for absolution.
    Then see it as your good deed of the day to help provide whatever the annoying person seems to need.

  12. Consider resentments that may be camping out in the back of your mind, and think of ways to let go of them. Enough of them can make a personable and decent person seem angry, especially toward people who might seem random but could embody some aspect of some nagging resentment that could warrant a little scrutiny. The unfortunate souls who cross our paths can often become unwitting characters in a play we’re putting on in our minds yet deserve none of the ire that character evokes. If you can pinpoint it and practice some forgiveness, even if you think that forgiveness isn’t warranted, you might be doing yourself a favor.

  13. Try seeing it from her perspective – maybe she doesn’t want to apologize to you personally, but she feels guilty and needs to verbalize the reason she missed class for her own sake. Also, maybe one day you’ll be an older person (maybe you’re lonely?) taking a class and could use a few moments of chatting and human connection. You don’t have to entertain her or chat. Also, try getting curious about why its bothering you – have you had experiences where you were just trying to be nice/casual and someone judged you for that? And in turn you’re perpetuating that behaviour?
    Either way, good for you for noticing this and contemplating about it!

  14. It could be that you’re viewing her as affected or insincere. Sometimes I get annoyed with people when they come off as “fake” in some way. Could it be that her “ i’m sorry I wasn’t here last week“ felt unnecessary and kind of phony?

  15. I’ve also been having this issue. A lot of times, it’s because I’m already past what I can handle for the day, and then everything is annoying thereafter. I still put on a smile and keep a kind attitude, but on the inside I’m annoyed, and then mad at myself for being annoyed.

    I’ve found that if I can get away and just breathe and use Headspace meditations, even for just two minutes, it helps immeasurably. I also kinda try to cut out what I can for the rest of the day, or find an activity to work on alone.

  16. Any time you find yourself passing judgement follow it up with “…just like me” for example in this case you could think “this person is so annoying… just like me!”

    It’s all projections dear. It’s forcing you to recognize aspects of yourself that you dislike. The fun part is when you turn it around and say it for positive things too. “This person is so lovely… just like me” 🥰

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