Edit: i’m not asking for your opinions of what “behind” and “ahead” of life means. 👁👄👁

  1. Being behind (poor and disabled) means most people see me as inferior and not worthy of them. It’s a major reason I’ve given up social relationships. No friends. No partners. It also means I’m way less likely to receive any kind of help/support/kindness.

  2. I’d say I started behind as a half orphan with a disabled mom, we relied on food banks and second hand clothing. At times it made me jealous and gave me depression and anxiety but it also pushed me to be resilient and work hard. I had my first job at 12. Worked two at 16, every summer paycheque half would go into a school fund. I also had an abortion at 16. I was getting B-D grades in first and second year of high school. However, I also made really good friends with supportive people that encouraged me to academically improve. I’m a year away from graduating at a top school in my country and I have my own apartment, cat, and pay all my own bills. There’s been ups and downs since then like failed courses and I just finished therapy after 3 years but I think all things considered I’m proud of myself, and I plan on giving my mom a dope ass retirement with the financial upgrade I should get once I work in my field.

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