Just a curious female here. Is it just like an overwhelming sense where you’re aware of the discomfort down there or does it really hurt? If so, is it the penis or balls that hurt?

  1. Obligatory “my penis horts” comment.

    I’ve never had a “painful” erection, even when it feels like I could use it as structural steel. It’s mostly just a sense of discomfort. For me, it’s a feeling of “internal pressure,” most akin to the sensation of feeling a bit gassy or bloated but localized to my dick.

  2. To me it could mean one of two things. Either you’re so hard it’s painful being pressed against your clothing or the muscles down there are clenching so hard it’s almost like a cramp feeling

    It’s not getting hit in the balls painful but it’s not particularly pleasant. Definitely more so than just discomfort but I also definitely wouldn’t call it agonizing

  3. Not that painful, but yeah it kinda hurts a bit

    That’s actually the best erection too

    Dick so hard you could use it as a battering ram

    Best kinda dick to be fucked with and the hurt is in such a way that you can just slam that shit in over and over for a long time like a wild beast beating a doe with a club as you scream with anger as they play my song that I like to say when I fuck https://youtu.be/wtVwmo9aKS4

  4. That means my jeans are too tight to have an erection but i have one and it is physically painful

  5. Doesn’t hurt per se or if it does its of a pleasurable kind , Its hard for me to put into words.
    You can feel it straining full of blood almost fit to bursting needing to be used and its all your mind can focus on.

  6. Multifaceted answer but yes it actually hurts. Mainly when you’re so turned on or teased, that the amount of blood in your dick is more than a normal hard on and it’s stretching everything. I happen to like pain with my sex, both giving and receiving, so I love these. It feels very primal.

  7. It’s just like your shaft is super stiff and it’s super uncomfortable and painful because you can feel the blood rush to it

  8. This occurs for me when I have morning wood. It’s enough to wake me up. I have to take off my briefs because it’s annoyingly sensitive to the point of irritation. I’d do something about it but the moment I do, it goes soft. Also, a weird indicator to me that my bladder is super full.

  9. It’s not like “take me to the doctor” pain. It’s an intense throbbing pressure, like your brain sent too much blood to fill your penis, and it’s about to explode.

    This is different from “blue balls”, but it does have the same exact remedy. 🤣☝️

  10. I’ve felt that feeling before. I don’t even know the best way to describe it but it’s not comfortable.

  11. All these answers are manipulative bullshit to get girls to touch their dicks. Don’t fall for it. It’s a boner, you’ll survive, nerds. Quit being drama queens.

  12. It’s an overly full feeling – like way too much blood has pumped in there and it’s throbbing because that’s just what it does at that point. I wouldn’t call it painful, but it needs a release.

  13. If it’s hard for too long, it will be hurt. i don’t know how to explain but the blood pressure inside it is the mechanism that pushes the penis to stay erected.

    In my case, It will took a few hours to recover if this happens. The feeling that we feel is like a muscle burn doing an intense workout.

  14. Its an odd line between pain and a real and powerful drive to ‘immediately engage’ in acts your physiology is designed to carry out.

  15. It feels like the need to stretch after sitting down for a long while. It’s not *painful*, but you are going to need to stretch at some point.

    The longer you’re in that airplane seat, the more urgent need need becomes

  16. I’ll try my best to make it relatable to something both m/f can experience. Maybe like severe nasal congestion that seems to have spread throughout whole face where everything feels hyper engorged beyond capacity. Then imagine on your sensitive regions. Quite uncomfortable. (Maybe that’s why ED pills warn of prolonged erections).

    Can’t speak for all men, but occasionally I’ll have morning wood that’ll straight wake me up b/c of discomfort.

  17. No hurt whatsoever. Can be uncomfortable if its stuck behind underwear etc, but thats about it

  18. The morning boner when you have a minute long piss coming can definitely be uncomfortable

  19. For me personally. It’s more of a deep sadness or disappointment. I think I’m “hurt” when I have to revaluate who I think you are as a person, or, the relationship I have with you.

  20. It means its pushing against fabric and gets uncomfortable/stuck/painfully bending

    It never hurts on its own, though you do “feel” it when its rock hard.

  21. You know that feeling when you stretch so good that it almost feels like a soul orgasm? Now imagine that but only in woody.

  22. If you ever had a bad inflamation and you can feel all the blood pressure stretching your skin. Kinda like that.

  23. It can actually hurt. Not sure if it’s all men, or if it is because I suffered with phimosis (physically unable to retract foreskin even when flaccid), and though I’m fine now, it may still be a bit tight.

    However, I find it usually only hurts during morning wood and other such situations.

    When I’m in front of a lady though, the feeling is much more pleasurable.

  24. I once took viagra and was rock solid for 3 days. It felt like blood was flowing into it but never out of it similiar to a balloon expanding. Literally the only relief was cumming ever 30 min. It’s not painful per say just uncomfortable.

  25. yes, it’s like if you sprain your ankle and it swells and your skin gets so tight that it is uncomfortable

  26. For me it more or less feels like the pain of having an overfull/severely bloated stomach but focused on the shaft, sometimes pulsing pain in the head.

    Now blue balls on the other hand? True blue balls can and will make a man cry

  27. In my experience, yes it can be literally painfully hard, but it isn’t completely unpleasant and isn’t unbearable pain, just incredibly distracting. Like, you are aroused and have the horny hormones making you feel good and excited, but get so ramped up it gets uncomfortable and kind of throbs down there. Fully pressurized!

    Of course, clothing and whatnot can make the discomfort much more unpleasant if it’s trapping your dick in an uncomfortable position or something.

    Edit: Seeing other comments mentioning morning wood and being reminded that yes, that is generally when it is the worst! I’m young enough to not need to pee during my sleep usually, so I don’t wake up having to fight down the painful boner in that regard, but I have woken up with incredibly uncomfortable boners. I can easily masturbate to relieve it though, quickest sessions in my life since I’m basically already on the edge.

  28. Imagine your a birthday clown and you blow up one of those balloons but when you let it go it just keeps “pulsing” like I can usually subside a boner with just some thoughts but morning wood for example will not fuck off im pitching a tent wail trying to get up and get ready for work weather I like it or not

  29. It does physically hurt when there’s too much blood.

    It also physically hurts when I’m hard but I had a lots of sex/masturbated recently, especially if it is in the same day. It’s like I want sex and will do it, but the erection hurts and the sex will also hurt. In this case, sex generally doesn’t last long at all

  30. Let’s not use the word pain and instead say “comfortable”. Some dislike the feeling, some absolutely love it. I know I do, even if it’s like I’m gonna die if get a paper cut down there. It can undeniably be called pain if it gets that hard but it probably fuels right back into they’re sense of pleasure. Think of it like an omen of amazing sex

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