We broke up about 3 months ago it was kind of mutual but at the same time I didn’t want to lose her. We’ve had no contact since then because we decided it would be better for us so we could get over the breakup (we were together for 3 years) . I think I would feel some guilt if I didn’t say happy birthday to her but at the same time I’m scared it could hurt mine or her feelings some type of feelings. I just don’t know what to do. And if I were to say it to her how would I type it to make it not seem weird

  1. Happy Birthday is so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, if things ended on decent/good terms then sure, what’s there to lose? If it ended on bad terms then you’re probably better off not saying anything.

  2. She is your ex. Keep the NC. She has other people in her life who can wish her happy birthday. You are no longer her person.

  3. No. 3yrs is there’s probably still feelings there on your part and it’s typically why people text their exes. She could have feelings too who knows but maybe she’s moved on and is happy on her own. Take this as a time for self growth

  4. There’s got to be a reason there has been no contact for 3 months. It hurts sometimes, but I say leave the past in the past and don’t send the text.

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