Or, that she is trying to scam me, or sell me something like a saleswoman.

I’m a guy who’s basically been rejected by women his whole life, and I’m wondering if that has something to do with it.

My first date ever was prom my senior year of high school. My date completely ditched me, and tbh I figured she would pull something like that anyway, i didn’t really care that much. But fast forward to college and what not, and getting flaked on and ghosted was the norm. Getting called too short, too ugly, too broke, etc. So I’ve always thought of myself as unattractive to women.

But every once in a blue moon I’ve had a woman be flirtatious with me. But my brain cannot seem to process another woman actually flirting with me. There must be some catch, and she must think I’m a sucker of some kind.

Do you think I need therapy? Is there any way to fix this about myself?

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