I see people using the term ‘meaningful connection’ usually when talking about relatives / platonically.
but what does it actually mean? i want to hear your examples of what a meaningful connection means to you (and im specifically refering to with family members, relatives, friends or anyone platonic).

I understand having a connection with a romantic partner because i’ve been in romantic / sexual relationships and am currently in a long term one.

but when it comes to my family, I dont feel a ‘connection’ or ‘friendship’ with any of them, and they dont see me anyway these days.
Also i’ve had a few friends in the past, but i don’t know if there was a ‘meaningful connection’?

Random example of the phrase being used: ‘He never made a meaningful connection with either of his brothers’

1 comment
  1. They have your back , You have good chemistry with them , they really understand you and your thoughts , they don’t judge .

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