Hi! I’m (21F) in a long distance relationship with this man (26F) for around 2 years now, and it’s been a rough patch lately.

We saw each other irl last month and he’s cried so much because we had to go back to the distance again so I know he’s a sensitive guy.

Yesterday, I laid out the option of just potentially breaking up because my needs in the relationship aren’t being met and he justified that he doesn’t want to compromise on those. He doesn’t look hurt at all, not even teary-eyed or just a single expression that he’s pained.

We decided to give each other space for a week (his idea) and it bothers me that he can handle a week without seeing me on call or even just being around my presence. He says he misses me but I don’t feel like it at all.

Men are hard to read sometimes so I’m not sure if he’s hurt at all or he just fell out of love.

PS. I would ask him this but I know it’s just going to lead to an argument because he says he doesn’t like it when I question his love for me.

1 comment
  1. Men tend to distance themselves from emotions when hurt, or at least that’s what I do, so just because on the surface he isn’t showing “pain” doesn’t mean he isnt. Sounds like he wants to think things over and to be honest, if he didn’t care he would’ve just broke things off already.

    To me, it does sound like he cares for you. Men don’t tend to put energy into things we don’t care for. Sounds like he’s mature and wanting to make responsible decisions without being hasty. Which is a good thing.

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