It took me a while to get there, I was an overweight kid and got bullied for it. Now I’m in better shape, and almost three years sober, I can look in the mirror and like who’s there.

  1. I’d say 85%?

    I’m comfortable with who I am as a person, my sense of style, and usual public presentation. But as I commented in another thread, I am not quite there yet on my weight, and that holds me back when I feel like, or worse, am, the biggest guy there.

  2. Pretty uncomfortable.

    My self hate kinda led me to be anorexic/balemic and than I tried to join the marine core

    (Couldn’t because of financial responsibilities, still regret not joining to this day)

    I’m most uncomfortable when I feel like girls are flirting with me or trying to get my attention, it’s why I usually try to look at ugly as possible

    I just have a lot of trust issues and I actually feel like a cornered rat when dealing with people and feel like I’m under attack

    I have a lot of PTSD from how I was raised, my dad basically taught me to be worried about being attacked my whole life because he thought I was gonna live the same way as him where you DO need to be on high alert at all times cuz of the op

    We talked about it at my support groups about people from traumatizing upbringings never really get out of fight or flight

  3. I lost a lot of weight, figured out a good haircut/facial hair, and got better clothes. When I look at the mirror I like the way I look. But when women flirt with me I get uncomfortable. I think i still see myself as an unattractive fatty. Im going to have to work on that

  4. I’m quite comfortable now after years of struggling with my body image. I always felt like I was skinny and weak. I wouldn’t take my t-shirt off on holiday, even in the water. Now I have the confidence to wear speedos in those situations, to wear thongs in public changing rooms and (men’s) leggings in town. It’s gone from feeling too skinny to not minding if I have eyes on me, knowing that what I want to wear may draw attention I previously tried to avoid.

  5. I’d say 90% for myself. I have a high metabolism but I am noticing a small beer belly developing. I know I need to start working out again.

  6. Not very comfortable, despite me losing a shit ton of weight and making myself look very different, I still feel like I don’t belong in my own body. Doesn’t help that I hate myself, I feel like I was just put in the wrong body, like I’m not supposed to be here

  7. I’m like 8/10 rn I gained some weight and my tummy sticks out a bit, will start working on that so I can be at 10/10

  8. At almost 31, I can honestly say that I’m very comfortable! But it took self reflection and weight training throughout my entire 20s to be able to say that though.

  9. Not at all. I hate so much and especially my injured joints. I did lose 20kg and have a body I only dreamt off before but I thought this would feel different

  10. A weird mix really. I’m a bigger guy, not quite obese on the bmi index, and I’d rather be skinnier, agile movement was nice, being able to climb a long flight of stairs without then going, where’s that bellows coming from, oh it’s my breathing. But also not don’t so much dislike it that it overcomes my dislike of gyms and exercise. My sedentary lifestyle just makes me more comfortable. The worst thing is probably that I’m not who I think I am, everytime I look in the mirror there’s like a split second where I’m like ‘oh yeah that’s what I actually look like’ that’s kinda shitty but not a great deal I can do about my bone structure and size of my skull so just kind of have to accept it.

    The stretch marks I have and spots that develop can effect me more in settings like a swimming pools, I always used to wear a shirt then less now but even then only on support of mates.

    Depsite that it certainly could be worse as much as I have that disconnect on how I perceive myself, my overweight body, and years of bullying and comments, comments more than anything else, I’ve always been more focused on my mind in a body type view of myself so it affects me less than what I know with some people.

  11. Ok with it, I’m more concerned about health issues than looks issues although sometimes those tie in together.

  12. Grew up pretty thin/underweight. Prob slim/average build now at 5’9” 150 lbs. I despise my own body, have stomach problems so bulking isn’t really an option for me. Just therapy to learn to accept myself

  13. (23m) 75% I see myself as the person I was when I was young, at least part of it. I’ve become someone true to myself and I’m glad I’ve stayed true. But I have constant battles with myself looking in the mirror and wondering if I’ll ever be the person I want to be. I’ve struggled with bullying and drug abuse as an early high school student. I’ve let myself down countless times but I’ve also proved to myself I can do it. I’m sober for the most part on the drug abuse side. I smoke weed n occasionally drink sometimes more the often. But I face insecurities with myself over my 5 6’ hight, my pass trauma, and PTSD ADD which developed from self inflicted decisions(at least the ptsd) but I can feel comfortable knowing I can change still, and have conversations about it with people who share the same experiences help me feel comfortable as well.

  14. Depends on the day. I struggle with gender questions, so sometimes I’m fine and others I hate myself

  15. I recognize that I’m not nearly as good looking as people tell me, but I don’t care, I’m comfortable and with someone who is happy with me being me and her being her.

  16. I’m not in bad shape, but it’s not good either. I look at my body and feel disgusted by all the wasted potential, and to top it all up my body always has some kind of issues that make my life a pain in the ass (literally atm)

  17. 50% on a good day. I’m reasonably happy with how I look, work out 3 or 4 times a week, stay well groomed, but I’m still very self conscious. Hate seeing myself in photos, hate thinking of myself as occupying a physical body at all. Can’t dance, even alone in my apartment with the shades closed, because it’s too embarrassing.

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