How easy is it for you to get casual sex ? Or a casual hookup ? And state your reasoning too . As in yes because x y z..or no because x y z…thanks!

  1. Really easy if his standards are low enough.

    If you want quality, than it can be very hard

  2. If my standards dived out the window, the creepily touchy 60 knocking on 70 year old cougar in my townhome area would oblige instantly

  3. Its hardwork i would say about 2 weeks with dating apps a dinner date and a hotal room so about 200$.

    Its exhausting for not so good sex.

  4. Not easy. I luckily live with my long time girlfriend, but if I had to start over, i would have no reliable way to get sex very easily.

  5. Pretty easy honestly. I mean for a casual hook up, I’m not shooting at anything above a visual 7. Those are the ones I’m really trying to pursue.

  6. The combination of a below average physical appearance and poor social skills means it is one of the most difficult things I could attempt to do.

  7. Living with family makes it hard for me right now. When I went on vacation, it only took me two hours to get a girl back to my room.

  8. Depends on the quality. For 6s and below? Pretty easy. For 9s and 10s, have to take them out on at least one date first. I’m married now so it all doesn’t matter anymore, but what made it easier to be with attractive women was becoming wealthy. Gym helped a but, but the $ is what really helped.

  9. Not easy, but then I’ve never really put too much effort into it specifically. I have too much self respect and could never be one of those guys shamelessly trolling for sex. Almost all women on dating sites say “no hookups” so I respect that. Even though I know they really just mean “unless he’s really hot.”

  10. I’m sure I could MAKE it very easy, but that would be degrading to everybody involved. I could just throw money at the problem, either finding an escort or just offering to take a girl on a really expensive date and expecting her to put out for that. Either way, I’m just trading a lot of money for sex.

    Otherwise, very hard. Just getting the first date is a nightmare for a lot of guys, and “sealing the deal” with random girls at bars or clubs is just as hard unless they’re not in a great position in the first place. I’ve definitely gotten lots of attention suddenly from very drunk girls, and I would NEVER bring them home for casual sex because that’s non-consensual.

    I think a lot of guys that claim they’re having an easy go of it are:

    A) very much an exception in one way or another (physical attraction, charismatic, or a combination of the above)

    B) settling for the lowest common denominator (finding an unattractive person and lavishing a lot of attention on them just to get laid)

    C) full of shit.

  11. I think I’m one of the anomalies who can get a hookup with relative ease if I put in a good amount of effort. So, I doubt I have it as hard as most. For the most part I think that since women don’t really need to put in as much (or any) effort as men, they develop what’s called an apex fallacy where they look at who’s at the top of the hierarchy-of-sorts and assumes all men have it as easy as those men. Most dudes go through week/month/year-long dry spells. Such is the life of the common man.

  12. There is one woman I know who gave me head some months ago, I believe if i messaged her now would be down to fuck today. Problem is I loss all attraction for her after that terrible blowjob. Besides her it would be a challenge because although I’m not shy/timid i don’t really like social events or dating. My introversion is on another level high. I’m very content with being by myself. If I was more outgoing i think I would get laid without much effort. When I’m really horny I just rather call up an escort to be honest. I get what I want that way and don’t have to deal with any stress or her sticking around longer than I’d like.

  13. I will take a little effort, the hardest thing for me is that to make this happen quicker, all I really need to do is lower my standards and start paying attention to the women I would normally not consider.

    You ask this question, and there is a mental block, at fist I was like, nope, no way, cannot just do this shit on command. But then I am only considering the women that I would really want to hook up with. So once you open the mental door to “All” women, I feel like it would take a few hours at most.

  14. pretty easy honestly.. I’ve only been single for about 6-7 months since 2016.. Me n my ex broke up last year and I started dating someone else like 2-3 months later for ab 10 months that ended in February too but still were fuckin till like April.. ALRIGHT BACK TO THE MAIN POINT LOL.. ye imma bouncer and I’m in college so I meet a lot of girls I’m 6’1 light skin curly hair that flow in the wind type shit but I’ve made a girl uncomfortable before and it’s the worst feeling ever so.. I normally just let the other person express interest first, I can feel a vibe so jus like eye contact & communication im a good flirt im jus a lil silly thot Fr but point is when a woman approaches u first your odds of smashing automatically increase to 75%.

    Conclusion: I’d say ab as easy as an unattractive woman bc I’m pretty sure if a group a dudes are leaving the bar and some girl jumps out a dumpster asking who wants to fuck one of them would prolly do it 😭

  15. The only real limitations is how high I set my standards on any given night. Grindr and all the other gay hookup apps make finding sex pretty easy.

  16. Easy but only because I’m bi

    Its hard to hook up with women but men will fuck anything

  17. Not easy, atleast not with a person I actually like. My standards are not very high and I’m ok/decent looking and fit but still. Idk why it is, I feel like women just have so many guys trying to sleep with them so they’re naturally less interested because they’re used to it. They can pick any guy in their DMs and he would be happy to sleep with them. So as a guy, unless you have something that makes you really stand out and makes girls want to sleep with you, it’s not very easy.

  18. Absolutely not. Casual hookups are normally something to look down on and can be viewed as borderline self harm because of the affects it normally has on your social life and mentality, usually an activity reserved for duechbags

  19. Not easy. I’m pretty decent looking but I’m not as confident, fun or outgoing enough for most women to find me even remotely interesting. Texting game is weak among other things. But its not priority now so I haven’t had any practice. It’s rare that decent looking guy can simultaneously make women as dry as the Atacama desert. It’s a superpower.

  20. Not very hard, but finding someone worth dating is hard these days.

    Was hooking up with a female in Greece and her phone got stolen that night so she used my phone to contact some of her friends through insta. The next day the account was still logged in and saw a message pop up from a dude that she was apparently getting pretty serious with back in her homeland. Feel bad for that dude

  21. If I just want to get laid and looks don’t matter, very easy for me personally but that depends on what you mean by “easy”…it’s easy in the sense that I can go out to the bar and probably get laid, or go on an app and get laid easily BUT the lifestyle and ability to obtain that “power” isn’t easy to obtain, I’ve had to put in work on myself.

    – I workout/lift weights 3-4 times a week
    – I eat healthy 90% and focus on being healthy
    – I put effort into my appearance ie skincare routine, I pay attention to style trends, I get haircuts every 2-3 weeks etc.
    – I’ve chosen a career path that will hopefully make me rich, It’s a very difficult path, I work hard, and I’ve had to sacrifice things in order to have this career.
    – I make an effort to cultivate an interesting life and by that I mean I read, I learn about the economy, investing, philosophy etc. why? because it makes me a more well-rounded person and it helps me socialize with others.

    Getting “laid” isn’t easy for any man, when a regular guy sees a “high value” guy getting girls he thinks “it’s so easy for him” but he doesn’t see all the work that goes into cultivating that kind of lifestyle…it’s like saying to a surgeon “that heart surgery was so easy for you” lol without seeing all the work and education that led up to him having those skills…obviously that’s an extreme example but it’s to make a point…If you want to get laid “easily” then get off your f#$king ass and become something, it’s not easy, it’s f#$king hard! it’s easy once you get to a certain level but getting there isn’t easy, and maintaining it isn’t either….nothing in life comes “easy”

  22. It’s easy, because I’m 6’1″, muscular, good looking, make well over $100k a year, have confidence… Basically I am what 80% of women say they are looking for.

  23. depends how low i set the bar. casual hookup with a disgusting woman? a fat, sloppy, drunken, meth head who smells like onions? maybe a week. hookup with someone i find really attractive? years

  24. Not super easy, im 32 and most girls my age want to settle down. I was a late bloomer and had a modest 20’s.

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