My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years, this September we will be 2 years old, our relationship is like distance and sometimes we see each other, she hardly likes those sex issues or sending packs, she is reserved, almost never She sent me a photo of her whole body in a photo with something on so that she could tell me look how cute but it’s difficult supposedly she’s insecure, an example ‘On her birthday she sends me a selfie where you can see the line a little her breasts since the dress makes her breasts lift more and she sent it to me and after noticing it she deleted it and told me how embarrassing she was and sent me the photo again but now cropped’ out of respect I didn’t say anything to her because I know that She didn’t like that stuff, that happened in February of this year 2022, now in August it got weirder, at first she sent me a photo of herself in front of the mirror, I didn’t believe it, I really liked it, and I asked myself what kind of tape she doesn’t like those kinds of photos and I said well, days later we were talking no rmal about how our day went and suddenly he says ‘can I send you a picture?’ I wondered why he didn’t send it to me, and then we continued talking about our day and then they spend many hours chatting in the chat, he emphasizes the message to me again, he tells me ‘I was checking the chat and I remembered that I wanted to send you the photo, can I send it to you?’ I told her of course again and she agreed (these days we haven’t talked about something provocative or something sexual because she doesn’t like the topic) and she sends me the photo I’m shocked it was a photo of her in very little clothes *it was a photo of her covering her face and you can see her bra and in the middle of the line of the breasts there is an emoji* I was shocked to learn that she doesn’t like that stuff, I didn’t know how to feel, if I really felt that is giving me confidence or feeling insecure that if he had those issues with someone that if he had those conversations, I replied that he felt with many emotions and some things, without knowing that he had a lump in his throat, sometimes he stays up late at Instagram and it makes me doubt a lot People what should I do right now help me :c

  1. 1) learn about punctuation marks

    2) she or he, stick with one of them or use they

    3) ask her and tell her you enjoy pictures like that

  2. She’s not ‘weird’ for being private and not sending you sexy pics. That’s normal, I don’t / won’t do it either.

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