Whats been the biggest change in your life in the past 10 years?

  1. I went from being carefree and happy to being miserable and angry at all times for no reason.

    It’s really frustrating

  2. Got my first ever pair of glasses at the beginning of this year. Quite the adjustment.

  3. A lot has changed for me, but I’d say going from employee to business owner is the biggest.

    No more just show up to work and collect a paycheck. I have to go out and find my work and provide my own income.

  4. Went from married to divorced to severely depressed to finding someone I fell madly in love with to screwing that up to now heartbroken.

    This wasn’t the life I anticipated.

  5. Met a girl, she is now my wife and we had a daughter. Moved back to my home country and we bought a house.

  6. Two years ago i started taking better care of my body. 43, 260 lb. Sick. Tired all the time. Now 45, 190 lb. Just got back from the gym and i feel like a million bucks.

  7. Basically on a massive rollercoaster decline of violence, funerals, losing my home, unsuccessful suicide, become numb, apathetic, and seeing people nothing more than disposable trash and realizing love happiness, stability and good people is Disney delusional brought to you by Hollywood fantasy make believe movies

  8. Huge improvement in my career – I’m earning double what I was in 2012 and have great prospects to becoming an equity partner and earning double again.

    Also went from have 1 kid to having 3 which is pretty significant.

  9. Overall, myself, I guess? I’m happier, more stable, and I’m better at my craft. I’m less of a nice guy because I’m not insecure or naive or stupid. Thank goodness I’m not in high school anymore.

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