How did you handle losing your hair?

  1. I had it long for a while, what was left of it, but it started to look a bit “aging rock star”. So now I just use a trimmer at 3mm, every few weeks, and stopped caring about it.

    PS I wear a hat outdoors, a lot, to keep the sun and rain off my head.

  2. I tried minoxidil (sp) and it didn’t work for me. I eventually got fed up with it and shaved it all off. I never liked my hair anyway, never had a hair style I liked on my own head.

  3. Six years of denial as it thinned then shaving my head and being like “Huh, I actually look good bald, lets gooooo”

    Having a full beard helps tho

  4. There’s nothing I can tell you, you’re gonna have to go through this yourself. I have friends that lost their hair and it ducked with some of them. One just shaved it all one day and that’s it. And to anyone that says no one will notice, they will. But balding is worse than being bald and for every person out there that doesn’t like it there’s someone who does

  5. I’m fighting it with a shampoo, conditioner and tonic trio. So far the thinning is reversing.

  6. Baldness runs in the family so it wasn’t a surprise when it happened to me.

    I was talked into trying Rogaine briefly but it didn’t work for me. I mostly didn’t care about losing my hair. I trim my hair short. I bought hats to prevent skin cancer and to keep it warm in the winter.

  7. Im in my mid thirties, still got all my hair. Towards 40 I’m waiting for that one sneeze though….

  8. Early 20’s so tried a few different styles trying to see if I could get away with having thin hair. Once I realised if didn’t suit me I shaved it off- kept a cropped head for the last 30 years.

    Usually have a fully shaved head or I’ll skip a few days so it’s at a number 1 or 2 then back to skin again.

  9. It took me a really long time to be at peace with it, in truth. I’ve always had a high forehead and felt like I was going bald from about 19 years old. I grew it long and wore beanies pretty much all the time, but that look and the insecurity of it became really limiting. I was really skinny too, so I was conscious that I was just going to look really ill when it eventually all went.

    Eventually needed to change jobs and got it cut short, and I had a deal with my barber that each cut would be shorter and shorter until nature and intention met. One day I had a bit of a conversation with myself that was like “this is stupid, you’re not exempt from the laws of nature”, and learned a bunch about nutrition and exercise. Through diet and exercise I gained about 50lbs, and eventually shaved my head and haven’t looked back since. I’m tonnes more confident now than I’ve ever been, and my entire “look” isn’t about hiding what I don’t like about myself (eg hat to cover baldness, layers to hide scrawniness), but is now emphasising what I do like about myself. Honestly would never go back to having hair again.

  10. I knew from a young age that I would lose my hair. Started going bald by 24ish, I think. In my mid 30s I bought a bottle of minoxidil. Read the label and instructions. Looked in the mirror, realized I would be spending $40+ the rest of my life per month for it. Said fuck it, threw the bottle away and shaved it all off.

    Immediately loved the feeling and have not looked back since.

    Fun fact, 1st time my mom saw me with no hair she laughed and said I looked like Uncle Fester. 😀

  11. I started buzzing my head and grew a beard. Never much liked the hair on my head anyway.

  12. It’s my genetics. I know how I am going to look like when I grow up.

    I look exactly like my dad except for 2 things (he has green eyes mine are brown, he is 5’7 I am 6 ft) so I can see how fked my hairline is gonna be like.

    It has already started, I can do nothing about it. In 10 years if I don’t like it I’ll have hair planting surgery. The plan is to be able to afford it in 10 years. For now, I don’t care.

  13. Used to have shoulder length hair, once it started thinning out I just shaved it. Chrome dome till I die. Gets pretty annoying having to shave it every 3 days, but its super easy on the mornings where I don’t have to lather up and shave.

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