Who is the most emotionally intelligent person you know (and what’s a great example)?

  1. My gf, she’s calm, thoughtful, never says mean things or has emotional out bursts, manages her anger well with a few deep breaths, notices the reactions and emotions of the people around me

    She’s really good at knowing what I need and was amazing to me while I was pregnant with our twins and has been an equal partner in doing this mom thing together. Sometimes she tells me to have a snack when I’m in a bad mood and it’s usually what I needed, she’ll hug me when I need a hug even if I don’t say anything

  2. My son! The catch is, hes a baby!

    He understands emotions better than his parents who are both 21 years old!

    When somethings funny, he laughs. If hes happy he smiles. If hes not happy he cries. Its that simple.

  3. This is a question that made me realise that I don’t think I know anyone that’s emotionally intelligent to an extent that they would pop up in my mind….

  4. Me. Because I spend an awful amount of time reflecting and being introspective so that I can learn and grow. I learn something new about the world and myself every single day. I am changing all the time and I love it. There is so much to learn about everything and it genuinely excites me.

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