Assuming you have more than one, that is, and were financially pushed to get rid of them in order of sacrificial pain – what would be the last to go?

I think for me it would be Spotify.

  1. Agree, Spotify.

    Binned off Amazon Prime last month. Didn’t watch it, and saved a fortune this month by not buying shite we don’t really need.

  2. Spotify for me too. I have loads of playlists I’ve curated. My podcasts are on there. You get all the controls. Also I have a burning hatred for ads.

  3. Apple Family

    There’s 5 of us using it, for Apple Music alone it’s worth it. We don’t use Amazon unless we have to, couldn’t be arsed with Netflix and am certainly not shelling out for other subscriptions.

  4. I’d bin Amazon in a heartbeat. I use Netflix far more, which is the sub I’d keep. My mate put me on his Spotify, which I use more than the other two put together. I also use BBC Sounds and iPlayer an awful lot, which I guess is an ersatz subscription … Couldn’t give a stuff about Disney, Sky, Apple, Paramount, or any of the others.

  5. Xbox gamepass ultimate. Its extremely good value for money. Even better if you dont have to pay for it

  6. Netflix is the only one I have, been thinking of ending that. Perhaps only sub in bursts when things we want have released.

  7. I think Netflix. I don’t watch much tv, and like some shit movies when I get drunk, and Netflix does that well. I tried Prime for a while and it was awful. The Boys and nothing else.

  8. Now TV Sport. I’m a huge F1 fan so having a legitimate, reliable stream that isn’t going to get shut down mid race is an absolute essential for me.

  9. I only have 2 and that’s amazon and a vpn. If I had to let one go it would be amazon. But I have no plans to do so.

  10. Youtube premium. Gives us simple ad free content on all devices for the whole family, my parents included, yt kids for the little ones (we still monitor thier viewing) and my wife and I both use yt music on all devices and in our cars. For the price the amount of use we get from it combined is remarkable.

  11. It used to be Spotify but now I no longer commute I barely use it.

    Nowadays it’s probably Disney+ which has overtaken Netflix in our household.

  12. My FFXIV subscription. <£10 a month for unlimited MMORPG hours and new content regularly makes it more valuable than any streaming service.

  13. PlayStation plus. I’d miss my YouTube Premium, as I watch a lot on the service and the ads would annoy me greatly, but getting some online gaming in with a few friends has been a lifeline for me these last couple of years in particular.

  14. Spotify

    Mainly cos I pay like £5 a month on my friends family plan so I’d be desperate if I couldn’t afford that.

  15. Discovery+. I’m pretty much housebound and I like to watch documentaries in the day. There are loads of excellent serial killer shows on there.

  16. Disney+. I’m a big TV rewatcher and Disney have basically monopolised all my favourite shows from the 2000’s. I couldn’t give up a service that has Buffy, Scrubs, New Girl, Lost etc. The movie catalogue and new FX/Hulu dramas you get are just a bonus.

  17. Sky Sports on my now tv box. I need to watch live sports. I can access most other things in other ways without subscription.

  18. Probs YouTube Premium for me, use it all the time and having no ads is a blessed relief, particularly these days (with double-stacked unskippable 20-30 sec ads becoming the norm!). Being able to download vids is cool too.

    Includes a music streaming service also, which is just shockingly bad compared to Spotify, like just so bad, just it’s seriously terrible I don’t understand why they don’t just wholesale copy Spotify’s UI and features BUT *gasp* it comes with the thing I’m paying for anyway and ultimately it plays the music just fine. Plus you can stream music that YouTube users have uploaded as videos to normal YouTube (in addition to the normal complement of music), so if you’re into your obscure Japanese video game prog metal or 5 hours of bouzouki music you’re quids in.

  19. Audible – I used to be a doubter but it’s become a daily ritual when travelling anywhere.

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