Ok I don’t know where I’m going with this, but here it goes:

So I’m a soon to be senior in college (M22). Like many college kids I drink and occasionally smoke, but whenever people find out about this, they’re usually surprised or even shocked. I usually get comments similar to this post’s title by people who are genuinely surprised. And recently, more than once, people told me that I came off as a **square**.

I know I shouldn’t care what others think, but being called a square makes me feel like I’m giving off the wrong vibe. Idk if it’s because I’m slightly shy and introverted, or if it’s something bigger than that.

Does anybody have tips to come off as less of a square and seem more fun? I’m afraid that if this is a reoccurring thing people think of me, I might be coming off as boring and be limiting my social opportunities.

I appreciate any advice. Thanks!

  1. What image do you want?

    I went around in all black, left the restraints from my magic act lying out in my dorm, and kept an unpredictable schedule. I also had no visible signs of dating anyone.

    I eventually found out there was a betting pool on whether I was secretly gay, secretly prostituting myself, or secretly Batman.

  2. How you dress could play a big role, especially for like first impressions. I’m not really sure your relation to these people who call you squares and if its people you literally just met, or maybe these people you knew for a month. Because those have vary differing contexts on why your vibe is interpreted a certain way. For people who say you are a square and have had multiple conversations with them previously, its going to be a lot more about what you talk about. But for people you just met, that is primarily looks

  3. I definitely do not give off a stoner vibe, but being unassuming is often a gift. Square in the streets, stoner in the sheets.

  4. I’d love it if someone told me I don’t seem like the kind of person who drinks/smokes. People are usually surprised when I tell them that

  5. I personally like people who I think are one thing and then show me another side to them. Multi-faceted people are the most interesting. It’s boring when you can predict someone’s hobbies and interests and personality just by talking to them.

  6. I’d suggest waiting until after you graduate college to do anything about this. Once college is over you’ll realize it doesn’t matter what other think. You won’t be in a place to face such a high volume of concern anymore.

  7. There’s nothing wrong with appearing straight laced at all, or seeming like a person that doesn’t drink or smoke. I would rather people think that of me than the opposite. Don’t change just to appease others’ perception of you. Be yourself.

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