I’m [25F] dating this amazing guy for like a month and I feel in love, it has been amazing. We both went to the same career and we were talking about our platonic love from there, and I told him a girl that is gorgeous (before dating him I was trying to flirt with her and it kind of went well lol) and told him I was kind of in love with her in non a serious manner, he laughed and told me that is his ex, like his last relationship. I’m bi

In other day we talked about our dating history and he told me that once he had a difficult relationship that he even ended up on a deep depression because of it and it was with her and this week after sex when we were on that stage of being on endorphins he told he can’t believe he is feeling what is feeling for me more because his past experience he felt so bad that he didn’t think he would be feeling butterflies again lol

I just feel strange and kind of insecure. In my past relationships none of my exs had a gorgeous ex and it boosted my ego, now his ex is one of the most beautiful girl I know and its make feel insecure mostly about my body which isn’t the best. I even have thought about it during sex D:

Sorry 4 my english

  1. You can’t compare yourself to people’s exes, that way lies madness. Plus, he’s with you for a reason. He likes YOU. You’re being hard on yourself. If anything him having a gorgeous ex should make you feel like you’re quite attractive as well.

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