Do you use an umbrella in the rain?

  1. I live in the Pacific Northwest, I do not use an umbrella. I work outdoors and I just wear the hood on my jacket when it rains heavily.

  2. No; I prefer a rain coat with a hood. If I were someplace where it’s really hot and I didn’t want to wear a jacket I might, except it’s unlikely I would actually have an umbrella with me.

  3. In Kentucky yeah, when I lived in Oklahoma nah, not common enough and not heavy enough.

  4. No. I just wear a jacket. I’m rarely in a situation where an umbrella is actually needed. If I’m caught at work during a storm, I’m parked 25 feet from the door.

  5. I find that is the best time to use it. It’s much less useful when it isn’t raining.

  6. Sometimes. Am I going outside for long? Or just running from my car to indoors? Is it cold enough to need a jacket? Does my jacket have a hood? Did I even plan ahead and have access to an umbrella?

    Frequently, no.

  7. Only if it’s pouring. And I remembered to put one in the car.

    I get into my car in the garage. The walk from the car to whatever building I’m entering is not likely very far. An umbrella is typically more hassle than it’s worth.

  8. No, I dont have one but I should get one!

    I don’t live in a big city that requires lots of walking. In the suburbs and rural you don’t need one like in the city.

  9. Oregonians and Washingtonians don’t need umbrellas, their insistance that they don’t even **own** an umbrella naturally pushes away rain droplets, as long as they verbally express the sentiment at least once a month.

  10. Yes. Glasses and curly hair means an umbrella will help 20 – 50% of the time which is better than 0%.

  11. I was in NYC one time, and it suddenly started pouring. I swear I was the only one who didn’t happen to have an umbrella.

    In NYC it seems alot of people will carry them for a chance of rain. People walk alot further distances usually.

  12. No. I’m a Californian. Rain is precious to us, it’s like being baptized every year from the dust and cracking misery of drought. I soak it in when i walk outside to remind myself during dry months the joy of a full tilt thunderstorm.

  13. In Florida our rain is typically the monsoon kind.

    Better to just get inside ASAP lol.

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