Firstly, I’m somewhat new to online relationships as a whole. Most of my close friends I know in real life and we’ll text throughout the week or daily and if we don’t talk for a few weeks or a month it’s not a huge deal. No-one is keeping track of who sent the last message or expecting one another to keep a conversation going beyond a few back/forth exchanges because we both know we’ll eventually talk or meet.

So recently (within the past 3-4 months), I started talking with a girl I met online and I feel like we have a decently strong relationship. We both have feelings for one another and if I’m being completely honest she’s one of the first people could legitimately say Im in love with! We’ve all had crushes and they fade away but there’s something about her that from the minute our paths crossed I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. It’s a completely new feeling for me and something I’ve never said about anyone I’ve ever known.

Anyway, despite my strong feelings towards this person I’m at the point where I feel like I tend to always be the one messaging first. We talked last night past 1am but both of us were tired so told her “goodnight I’ll talk to you tomorrow and said I love you \_\_\_\_\_\_\_” she responded with “good night \_\_\_\_\_\_\_🥺❤️” but looking at the time stamp about 10mins later so I must’ve dozed off. Technically she sent the last message so maybe I should be responding back today just a quick “hey how’s it going” but I really wish she would make a little effort too towards keeping things going. I’m just on the fence of do I reach out or wait and see how long it takes her to send me a little “how are you today!” What sucks is we’re a few states apart from one another (same time zone) but that makes meeting in person a little hard.

TL;DR Should I quit making an effort to keep our relationship going and let the other person make a move?

  1. I’ve been in a similar situation and here is what I ended up deciding: if you want to text that person, just do it. No games, no scoreboard.
    It seems like she is doing her part in keeping conversations going once you are texting, so I wouldn’t waste the mental energy into over reading into who says hi first.

  2. I’ve been there, I relate to this 100% I’d say that if you want to talk to her just do it and don’t read to much into who says hi first. The most important thing imo is the content of the conversation. Does she want to know how you are? Does she share about herself? Does she care about you?

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