What’s a luxury or hobby you refuse to give up, even when tight on money?

  1. There aren’t any. Hobbies and fun luxury spending are some of the last things to go in our budget meaning their some of the first to get cut. I wouldn’t need to cut woodworking though. If we don’t need anything I just make whatever I want and my wife sells it for me so it actually pays for itself with a little extra.

  2. Video games I guess . Because there are more expensive hobbies that I really stopped.

  3. Gaming, but doesn’t cost that much, I mean it does and it doesn’t, I pick up games on steam and PSN on sale, I have a huge backlog, so when new game comes out I rarely feel the need to buy it right away as I have no time anyways, eventually the new game goes on sale and it’s further piled into my backlog.

    I find this way better too, by the time I get around to said new game, it’d have been out long enough that the game is patched enough that I’m not essentially a Beta tester.

  4. Music. I’ve never necessarily had to ‘give it up’, but there have been times over the past decade where I couldn’t dedicate to writing or practicing. I don’t want to be a starving artist but I’d rather have time to dedicate to music during the day than work a job that leaves me drained and unhappy just to get by.

  5. Watermelon in the summer.

    Will spend $20 on a good sounding melon without a fear nor regret.

  6. Movies, luckily my favorite movie theater has a subscription (19 euros a month for unlimited movie going) so it’s not that expensive for me.

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