I had to point that out (the basement dweller comment) because I’m more than capable and confident in my social skills with people im already close with or with people who I get introduced to and break the ice immediately (if the other person doesn’t have similar or higher energy, it’ll be hard for me to move onto more meaningful topics and form a better relationship, only a handful of people I’ve come across reciprocate that), which is fair enough as especially here in the U.K., people are more in a ‘high guard’ mode most of the time, but my weaker small talk skills definitely contribute to that too.

Any good reads, channels or anything else practical that you’d recommend? I’m aware of most of the mainstream channels, but anything that helped you or you think would help me would be great 🙂


1 comment
  1. Literally anything, you just gotta gauge what the person you’re trying to talk to is into. News, current events or talk about yourself. What you’re planning on doing this weekend or future vacation plans. The latest gadget you bought and hype it up like it makes a big improvement in your life. A recipe you made. Gossip about other people around you. In terms of reciprocating the conversation, that’s up to them.

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