This is my first boyfriend, and I am his first serious girlfriend. This is cheesy high school love, but I don’t know if I’m just wasting my time, or if it’s me?

He is 16 I am 18

I love to adventure, explore, and do anything fun and exciting! My boyfriend however is a homebody, who doesn’t like to do anything I like, however we have done a couple dates. We’ve been dating 5 months. He doesn’t like to text, and I know he texts his friends more than me(I always have to initiate the conversation), like if don’t text him, we won’t talk for days! I’ve told him how I feel about this, and he says the same thing every time “ I don’t like to text” when we are together he’s so sweet and caring, but also he doesn’t try as hard to see me as I do him! Should I stay with him, or break it off?

  1. Just seems to me like you’re an outlet for intimacy, but really not much else worth being long term/serious for given how drastic of lifestyle difference

    Cool and all that you’ve tried to make this work, but you’re settling so hard and will hate how long you put up with this when you date someone who also loves to be out and about and put max effort into loving you

  2. Opposites can attract but that only brings people initially together. What keeps opposites together in the long run is trust, communication and effort. It sounds like you communicated to him already about how you feel about him not texting you and how you always have to initiate a conversation or you guys won’t talk for days. If he doesn’t like to text but he does like you, then he would put in more effort to text. I’m not talking a 180 degree change where he texts you 24/7 but he would send some texts to you first like a simple good morning or how are you doing or i’m thinking of you. Something to show he is trying, especially after you communicated your feelings. I know it’s tough to think about breaking it off when he’s sweet and caring in person, but it just sounds like he isn’t putting in the same effort in as you are. I suggest letting him know how you feel once more and how you’ve been feeling upset enough to think about breaking it off. Depending on his reaction and whether he is willing to improve the relationship to save it will give you your answer on whether you should stay with him or break it off. At the end of the day, know your worth.

  3. Contrary to popular belief, opposites typically do not attract. While they may for a short period, it is highly unlikely that they will result in long-term, healthy relationships. Trying to connect/sustain a relationship with someone who simply doesn’t enjoy the same things as you is not fulfilling. This leads to clashing personalities, arguments, and resentment.

    You’re young and learning. This relationship, in my honest opinion, will not last. But that’s okay! This is life and we need to experience different relationships to determine what we want and what we’re looking for in a partner. Good luck to you!

    Source: masters in psych

  4. He doesn’t like to text you…but he likes to text his friends more? And if you don’t start the conversation you guys won’t talk for days???

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