Hi, I’m 19 M and I think I might have social anxiety. I don’t like crowded places like discos etc… A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine invited me to a party, but I refused the invitation.

For story’s sake I’ll tell you a little bit more about myself.
I’m for sure socially awkward. I don’t consider myself a good looking guy and because of that I have huge insecurities. I have no idea how to talk to a girl whatsoever, also because in my friends group when I talk to them I am never heard, everyone talks over me without any problem and my opinion is almost never considered. For a couple of years now I’ve been silent almost all the time. This caused my not-being-able-to-talk-to-any-human-being problem. When some stranger (boy or girl) talk to me I always find myself touching my body, my face in a very awkward way, and if they ask me something I answer them but then I am not able to continue the conversation whatsoever. Even now just by writing this post I feel very awkward.

I feel REALLY alone even if I have many friends. I would really like to have a girlfriend to love and to be loved. But as you can imagine because of my ugliness and my social awkwardness I never talk to any girls. I have ZERO experience with girls, not even a kiss.

Now I would really like to go to that party cause I know there will be a TON of girls but I am TERRIFIED by the fact that I could mess up everything and ruin the entire night if I eoauld ever find the courage to talk to a girl.

I know many of you will just say “Go for it, we live only once” and I do think like that, but when i am out that motto vanish instantly and my social anxiety takes the lead in my brain.

  1. If you don’t go what are you gonna do instead? It’s better to go out and experience things, you can stay home anytime you want. Maybe a girl will talk to you, maybe one wont, just focus on having a good time.

  2. You are putting a lot of pressure on yourself, more than will serve you.

    Let go of your expectations for the party. Then go. Find people to talk to. Girls are just people. Stop putting them on a pedestal. Guys can also be fun for straight guys to chat with at parties. If you end up talking to girls, the less you care about the fact it’s a girl you’re talking to, the more confident you will come across.

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