So me and my boyfriend have been dating for around 2 years and we’ve been doing sexual things for awhile now. And it’s started to get rougher. We’re both into it.

This all happened today. So this pain just started.

We were doing the stuff and he was rubbing me hard down there and
f/nger/ng me and afterwards it felt like something popped out, it stung and burned abit. So I got up and went to the bathroom to check. And there was two pink flabs underneath the other two, and obviously that’s not how it usually is so I freak out. I have no idea what it could be so that’s why I came here. If anyone can help it would be great! Sorry this is very weird but bare with me😭😭

Symptoms: burning, hurts very bad to pee. And has the two flabs.

  1. Look up vaginal prolapse. Hoping it’s not that, but if it is (and even if it isn’t, but it persists) you should see a doctor.

  2. How closely have you looked at your vulva before now? It’s normal to have an outer labia and an inner labia.. they may be a bit swollen because of friction or irritation and seem larger than normal?

    Burning and hurts to pee are pretty common symptoms of lots of things. You might have a yeast infection or a uti or even a sti. It’s a good idea to go to the doctor to get yourself checked out. I know it sucks, but part of being sexually active is being proactive about your sexual health.

  3. Maybe your hymen got a little ruptured from the friction. Your urethra also could have gotten hurt, which is possibly why it hurts to pee. If the pain persists for longer than a day, or if it’s really bad, go to urgent care.

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